It's not a proper day at the lab unless I cry. Mission accomplished. I hate lab politics. It makes me nervous. And I don't like being told something, naively believing it, and then finding out it's not true. Sorry for being so cryptic. As I said, lab politics. Although for the most part, I love my labbies. Case in point, I got a ride home from J when his wife came to pick him up from work, which is a good thing because it had grown late during our long bitch-fest, and I didn't want to ride my bike home. 2ndly, I will hit up the town tomorrow evening with BB, and possibly S, for some drag show fun.
Sooo tomorrow is Friday. Yay! TGIF. Literally. Our department has a TGIF party once a month hosted by rotating labs. But before that, I have to give lab meeting at our joint Fly group. I don't know why I'm more nervous for tomorrow than I usually am. Maybe it's because I am getting ready to submit a paper, and I feel I still have gaping holes in my 'story.' Likely these holes will be pointed out tomorrow. My boss will just say 'no it's fine.' We'll send it out anyway. It will get rejected immediately without review. Maybe I'm nervous, because my project has taken an unexpected turn, and I'm not as well-versed on the literature surrounding my recent experiments as I should be. (Or I'm in denial, and this turn isn't as unexpected as I say. I'm just lazy with keeping up on reading). Maybe it's because my boss has hijacked my project in the hopes of turning it into his next big paper, and I feel I'm not in control of my own research anymore. Maybe it's because my experiment today failed...again! Maybe it's because I'm tired of grad school.
Went for a 2.5 mile run this morning. It's hard to accept the fact that this is all I can do for now. But I'm eager to try to get back to 20-25 miles/week (which I know is not a lot for some, but it's good for me!). For now I just have to live with my super pokey pace, and just be happy that I'm able to run without my back hurting. Sigh, this is one reason I miss Brockport. I had so much more free time in which to run as many slow miles as I wanted. 2.5 miles was good this morning. 5k river run is in a little more than 1 week. Hopefully I can do well (by my standards).