May 26, 2007 11:26
I got up at 6:45 on a SATURDAY on PURPOSE. How ridiculous is that? Rory and I decided that we'd go kayaking this morning and then go to Ellsworth for breakfast. So we did. Then she had to go to work and I came home and am fighting the heat. How did it get SO hot SO fast?!?!? RIDICULOUS!!! Its miserable at school because it gets so hot inside and you can't do anything about it. Horrible. I hit up a few yard sales this morning, didn't get anything too overly exciting (kids books and a couple binders) and now I'm contemplating going outside to lay out with a book and my ipod. T'would be brilliant. Tonight I'm working at Spectacular Events from 5-10. Joy. I'm hoping its an interesting event. If not it could get slightly dull.
Moving on, whats up with my life lately you ask? Absolutely nothing I respond. School has been going well lately despite the fact that all I'm doing is assessing - BUT on the bright side its only for three more days (mostly because its due Thursday) plus I have a 3 day weekend this weekend which is AMAZING. Here are some events coming up that I am most particularly excited about: (in no particular order)
Montreal, Sam & Laura's Wedding, Katie's Bridal Shower, Laura's Bachelorette Party, Katie's Bachelorette party, Katie & Everett's Wedding, a surprise birthday party, the staff party, the SPED staff party, JUSTIN, Boston, going to camp, possibly working at the school this summer, Skyler's Pirate party, getting our new pool, the 4th of July, Jessie coming home for a week, Sand Beach, Great Pond Mountain, more kayaking, Megan coming home for two, and thats all I can think of off the top of my head.
Rory and I doing the apartment search thing. She won't be able to get an apartment until either this fall or after Christmas, but depending on if I get a job in the Bangor radius, I might try to find one for this summer. My situation with my parents is AMAZING because they're being so awesome, but it can't go on forever. Or else that would be real real sad.
Well, I have a few books that I'm DYING to read and I'm about as pale as anything you'd ever see, so I'm headed outside to attempt something.
summer plans,
apartment hunting,
spectacular events,
yard sales