Well then

Dec 28, 2005 15:46

Why is it that whenever I feel like updating I have nothing to write about? CRAZINESS.

Why don't I give a run down of the last four months:
*Realized that my anurism/brain tumor/menengitis/mental breakdown was all due to the fact that I was switching placements from 2nd to 4th grade and I wasn't doing as well with it as I thought
*I friggen love teaching and I can't wait to have my own classroom
*Boyfriendless.....as usual......no prospects.....dammit
*Sometimes when you start seeing people in a different light, you don't understand why you never saw that side of them before
*Hang out with who you want to, not who you feel like you have to
*No matter how much you slap someone upside the head with the truth and what seems OBVIOUS they need to discover it for themselves
*Monday taco's for dinner night is essential to sanity during student teaching
*Going to bed at 10:00 and getting up at 6:45 is good for you
*Why is it that I've been hearing the same song for YEARS and just now am paying attention to the lyrics?
*I'm a senior and that scares the living shit out of me cause I don't want to be a real adult
*Sometimes drifting apart from friends is a good thing because they might eventually bring you down
*I've chosen some great people to stay close to
*I have the best best friend ever
*When scrapbooking annoys me, I shouldn't do it
*I don't go to Montreal often enough
*Some people will never ever ever grow up
*If you're not invited, don't show up, but be prepared for the consequences
*Your mind is a dangerous thing
*I can't wait to leave school and I can't bear to think about leaving school
*If you don't want to do something, don't do it - sometimes you need to do things for yourself, not always for others
*Never-ever speak during an episode of Lost - you might injure yourself or others

Well that turned out to more be like an "Advice from 2005" entry, but oh well. I know it may seem like it, but I'm not trying to like dump on people's chest or anyone specifically - these are just observations that I've made and how I feel - SO TAKE IT BITCH.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! (in 3 days)
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