My Life and all that goes with it

Jan 29, 2006 21:39

I really need to use this LJ thingy more.

I'm looking at mainly using this as my weight loss blog at first, but knowing me I won't update it, or just post random stuff.

I've been 'dieting' for a year. I've lost 10kg (even though in total I lost about 12kg) but I've been battling the 'Big Black Dog', aka Depression for about three. When I was nineteen (I'm 22 now) I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome, shortened to PCOS for easier writing. That sent me into a two year spiral of DOOOOM. I've fucked uni up, but I'm having a year break from that and going back next year to finish my degree. I WILL get it.

I've done SureSlim for a year and like I said, lost just over 12kg on that. I've put a bit back on, but am back on the slide again. I restarted my weight loss in January, and in the first week I've lost 1.5kg. I've been doing this by watching what I eat, eating my three main meals of the day (even though I do have snacks if I get insanely hungry) I've been drinking two to three bottles of water a day, and I've also been going to the gym every weekday for an hour before work.

I had a real up and down week last week, when I couldn't get out of bed on Tuesday and Wednesday. I didn't get back to the gym till the Friday either. All I can do is just get back on the saddle. I've been eating fairly well over the weekend (even though I did have a sundae at dinner on Sat with friends, and then the fattiest cocktail that ever exisisted) but after sleeping most of Sunday away, I'm hoping that it will work out.

I have two goals for my changes. The big one, obviously, is to get to a healthy weight and fitness. The other one is to get fit for softball. Apparently I'm foccusing on pitching this year (why does my manager not seem to realise how much I truly love first base?) but I'm going to have a chat with my coach and make him realise that while I might focus on pitching, I still want to be considered the top first base in the team. That's my first love.
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