Well hello there 2008! Nice to meet you!

Jan 01, 2008 14:11

So had a decent time last night. Got horribly drunk, met some nice people. It was good.

Decided I was going to start the new year nice and early. Of course that didn't happen (this is me you're talking about!) and woke up at 2pm. Oh well, I always get up early for work.

I've already posted my '08 resolutions (and by posting this I've kept up one of them!) but here's how I want my 2008 to go.

I want to be happy and fufilled at work (so far so good). I want to get myself out of debt but still be able to live in a decent way. I want to meet lots of new people and get myself a group of friends in Perth. I want to enjoy softball (and hopefully win a game!) and have fun with fitness. I want to have lost at least 30kg by the end of the year. (which would take me down to 90kg) I want to be in my own apartment (even if it is paying more, I need my own place. Share housing sucks) by July.

Most of all I want to be HAPPY! Yay for 2008 and all the promise it brings!
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