Nov 11, 2005 17:11
Yesterday was amusing.
-Woke up at about 11am after a big night writhing on the floor, and slightly hungover.
-Went to see "kiss kiss, bang bang" with Frosty and Ryan at the movies.. which was strange but good, though i dont like robert downey jr.
-Wandered arpound JB hifi.. noticed the salesman stirt was on inside out, chuckled, then proceded to purchase "happy tree friends" dvd.
-Drove back through windsor and broke my wiper blade
Then stood in the rain/hail for 15 minutes trying to repair it.. only to break it even more.
-Got home.. aet dinner.. showered then left to go see Kaya (bens sisters band, featured on X-Factor) perform near royal prince alfred somewhere.
They rocked man.. the crowd just went nuts.. and they were recording for one of their live tracks for the EP that comes out in december... YAY!!
- Got home at 2am to SLEEP!!!
And that was my yesterday... i would rant about my ventures about the hawkesbury today.... but thats just goin to be too much exitement for this update.