Dec 31, 2010 13:00
So, I was laying in bed thinking this morning and I decided I actually make one of those year-in-review posts because it's been a pretty good year on the whole and I feel like all I do is say "ohai, I'm alive" on here with no real substance. It'd be a nice way to catch up and also a nice way to end 2010 while I'm doing laundry at the 'rents house.
I started off the year on a high note to begin with and I've been pretty much riding the wave ever since. I got a new job that started just about a year ago with a new company and I've been really happy where I am on the whole. The job itself get repetitive, but that will soon change a bit. I've been working with people who I truly enjoy spending my day with and, as a definite benefit, have been much better to me than my last employer. It was a chance I took at the end of 2009 which really paid off. As I said before, there will be changes on that front starting in 2011, and I'm also excited for that.
I have been able to keep in touch with a lot of people and cement some friendships even more than I thought I could have at the outset of the year. While I would have liked to have spent more time with everyone in my life, I would like to think I balanced everything pretty well. I had a social life, and an insane work life. I was able to keep most of my friendships, even as my priorities shifted in the second half of the year.
This past year also saw, I think, the time when I crossed into becoming an adult. The ways in which I handle situations has changed and I think I've come more into my own confidence, which is why I had so many good things happens with me this past year. I don't mean that in a pompous way, though it kind of sounds like it; I mean that when you change your worldview a bit and try to look at things a little bit differently -- find other solutions and approaches to a problem -- that the results can be totally and utterly astounding. I know I have said just about every year that I've "become an adult" this year, so it feels a bit hollow. However, I think that I would really say I've crossed a barrier this year, at the very least in my thinking, which has helped me a lot.
I also had a big change in my personal life this year as well. This summer, I started dating someone and it's turned into this amazing, rock-solid, life-changing relationship. I can feel the change in myself as I have let myself become accountable to another person. I've let myself be part of a "we" -- talking through everything, being together and allowing everything to go naturally. If only for this, 2010 has been an amazing year for me.
On the whole, because there are always things that can be improved, I'm coming out of 2010 much happier, more stable, and better than I went into it. I went into this year saying it was going to be the "Year of Radical Change", and I think I succeeded with flying colors. Radical Change, indeed. And it's not just in the ways I had intended.
It's been a remarkable year, 2010. And, it's all in line with my Chinese horoscope from last year, which is surprising. It had said that this year would be a foundational year for change -- the changes that would happen this year would be slow to build, subtle at first, but would come out and, if played right, would mean bounty for the future. I have to say, good work, fortune, good work.