Nov 01, 2004 20:27
Okay, so Halloween was yesterday, so sue me. :P This place has change a little since I was last here, that's fo' sho'.
*Munches on a gummi maggot*
I suppose I'm eventually going to get caught up with everybodys journal, but don't hold your breath :( Senior Year has been stressful to the extreme... when I'm not doing school stuff, I'm sleeping. It's really that simple. Only recently I've found time to do other stuff... and now my grades are suffering... ain't it becautiful? I still havn't applied to college... I'm so doomed it's scary. at least the school I want to get into the most is the same as my safety school, so I guess I won't die a horrible death at the hands of my mom for not getting into college. (Although she'd prefer me to get into UT or NCSU or some other huge ass school that I don't want to go to. 400 kids in a classroom where the professor doesn't even care about you is not exactly what I want)
It's raining. I think it's finally going to get cold. It's been like 85-90 degrees here recently, it's absoloutly rediculous.
My goat is almost leash broken (I walk him for his exercise and so that I can show him later) ... oh, for those of you that didn't know, I have a goat now. His name is Riccochet. He's wild.
*finishes gummi maggot*
Yea, I think thats about the big update for me. See ya next year *laughs* okay, maybe I'll try and be better about updating. Really, I will....
Okay, don't give me that look.
"Good morning!" An eight-yr old who came up to me for candy last night
"Calzadilla!" (A mixture of calzone and quesadilla used as a greeting between Grace and I)
"What? Who is this that writes insults in my clay?!" Julia, after finding my "Julia sux" in her clay piece