Name: Michelle
Personal Journal: desertrose9
Contact: AIM: deliverme1938, E-mail: michellemcintyre91@googlemail.com
Timezone: GMT
Current Characters:
Character Name: Queen Guinevere Pendragon
Character Journal: loyaltocamelot
Canon: Merlin
Canon Point: Just before 5x01
Canon Building: N/A
http://merlin.wikia.com/wiki/Guinevere_Pendragon Personality: Guinevere, or Gwen as she is known as by her close friends, is perhaps one of the kindest people you could meet. She is compassionate, loving and has the patience of a saint in most situations. People can push her, it has happened especially when it comes to nobles, but she always tries her best to remain as calm as possible in any sort of trying situation in that sort of circumstance. What is incredible about her is how that calmness transfers to dire circumstances. Even when faced with an immortal army she didn't crumble but found a way to ensure her survival which would then enable her the opportunity to go out and do something about it and to help Camelot. She is resilient that much is sure and has such a strong need to continue protecting others even if she is putting her own life at risk.
At first she was perhaps one of the shyest girls around. She stumbled over her words and had a habit of saying her true feelings accidentally, becoming flustered and then trying to backtrack only to make the situation worse. As she has grown as a woman and in confidence she has come out of that stage and is very self assured. She has faith in herself and believes in sticking up for what she think is right and good in this world even when others think she should not. Nothing would put her off fighting for a good cause. Now that she has become Queen she finds herself in a far better position to put across her thoughts even if she had originally never thought it would happen.
She tries her best to see the good in everybody but recently has come to find out that not everyone is like that. She has hardened slightly to things around her and is not so easily fooled into thinking someone is trustworthy and a possible friend. She was one of the few who noticed that Agravaine was not entirely the friend to Camelot he claimed to be though never knew the extent until it was too late. He intimidated her and she valued her relationship with Arthur far too much to risk losing it if she accused his uncle of things Arthur refused to believe. Another case of discovering some people are just not good is Morgana. Morgana was her best friend, a sister figure, and someone she highly loved and respected. Once Morgana showed her true colours not only did Gwen feel a deep sense of hurt and betrayal she also felt guilty. Why had she not noticed? She could have potentially helped guide her even if her knowledge of magic was entirely slim. This is certainly a part of Gwen. She carries guilt around with her and always will if she feels she plays a part in something like that.
Despite seeming to have such a sweet nature Gwen is not just a kind girl. She has a strong protective instinct, an animalistic feeling deep within her, and will not think twice about striking if it will save someone. She plunged her sword into a creature to save Merlin, even if that did not stop it completely, and would never refuse to do so in future. She does not see any reason why she cannot take up arms and fight just as a man would just because of her gender and will get involved in any way she can. If she is refused a sword then she will take up her place in the rooms set up for the injured to be treated. She has a lot of knowledge gained from close work with the physician, Gaius, and will never be afraid to get involved.
She also will not take kindly to being threatened. She has been taken by a few people in her life and always fought back, be it physically or vocally. She may get upset in private but would never dream of giving someone the satisfaction of seeing that they had reduced her to tears. She thinks well on her feet and is able to say things she would not normally if she had to, such as lying about her past when she was taken by Helios. She holds her head high when faced with someone like that and would never dream of letting them get what they want from her, be it information or her.
Now, as Queen, things are different. Three years on she is confident in herself and her rule. She is not afraid to take charge or give out orders and is certainly fit enough to be Queen.
Imported Character History:
Yes. Mostly from her previous stint in Mandalus. She briefly worked at the forge, which hasn’t been brought this time, until she was given a job within the Sanctuary. This is something she will certainly remember and hopes to be able to pick it up again.
Powers/Abilities: She is skilled with clothing and is said to be the best seamstress in Camelot. On top of this she had spent time learning her father's craft, he was a blacksmith, and is rather good at making her own weapons and armour and this also helped with another ability she has. She may not be the best but she is very handy with a sword given she grew up surrounded by them.
First Person Sample: (My first post from previous Mandalus playing):
[Video Post]
[It cuts on with Gwen tapping at the screen, taking a moment to realise something has happened. She looks startled and stammers before lifting her head to look less scared] I do not know where I am and would appreciate any help. How did I come to be here? Nothing is familiar around me and this is most certainly not Camelot. Magic perhaps though is magic really that powerful? Whoever has taken me please return me as my husband will not take kindly to my being gone and you will realise that soon.
[She is still for a moment then sighs, letting that guard down just the slightest] If anyone knows what is going on please tell me. I have to get back, I am needed. Things were only just starting to get better.
Third Person Sample:
It had taken Gwen a bit longer than normal to fall asleep this time, her thoughts a bit too loud for once. She didn't know why she had been thinking about it more than normal today. But when she did fall asleep her dreams were plagued with the same thoughts and memories. Thoughts of Morgana, her old friend who had made her thoughts on her life very clear. Only they took a slight turn for the worse. She found herself being kept in the dungeons longer, being taken to her death. Accused as a witch and her only fate was fire. All the while, Morgana was there and Gwen just couldn't take her eyes away from her former best friends smile.
"Morgana...No...I don't under..." The ropes held her firm, the torch in the hand of a guard casting warmth close to her. Her eyes finally pulled away from Morgana as they sought out Arthur. She had to find him, look at him one last time. The torch was getting closer. Where was he?
He wasn't there. He had left her, not that she could blame him. She had nearly ruined everything for him. Her eyes found Merlin, hoping he remembered his promise to look after Arthur for her and then they dropped to the floor as the fire was lit. The heat was unbearable and she could feel herself shaking with fear. But there was his voice, somewhere in the back of her head. She fought to block everything else out and focused on his voice, perhaps the pain would not come if she focused on him.
But then the warmth disappeared, the searing burning of the fire and her eyes shot open as she gasped, her eyes searching everywhere for the people and the fire, for Camelot. But then she realised, slowly, where she really was and she soon found Arthur. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to try and calm her racing heart.
(Taken from another game, can do a fresh one if you would prefer :) )