26th Gryffindor Note - voice / action

Feb 15, 2011 17:42

[Hermione is outside, with blankets to sit in and wrap up in, and has her trademark jar of fire in front of her making heat. It's a nice trick and, like everything else she knows, she's glad she learned it. After a few minutes of sitting, she opens up her journal.]

It's not that I don't like the holiday of Valentine's Day. I just don't see why we can't celebrate love every day if we so choose. [Oh, Merlin, Hermione, just stop now. The trolls are gonna come out of the woodwork.] I mean, if you're going to enjoy being around someone, you might as well enjoy it all the time.

[A little later:]

Ron... are you busy? [...Yeah, there's no filter.]

[ooc: first comment reserved! After that, have at :3 obligatory IC stalking of first comment encouraged]

time to relax a little, indirect reference, where are the trolls now, she's just crazy okay, !audio post, !action post, well that was awkward, when in doubt go to the library, event time, things have gotten interesting, luceti will never stop surprising me, maybe needing dating advice, genius at work, the insufferable know-it-all, .ron weasley, public snogging not battle snogging, question for the masses, because i'm brilliant that's why, need answers, no house-elves involved this time, what is my life even, my life is a sitcom, i'm good at fire spells

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