
Aug 14, 2012 00:20

Okay, so I admit, work has been killing me lately. Kind of to the point I really dislike waking up and realizing it's Monday and I have to do the whole week over again. Although, that said, I have to admit that today was different. While it was Monday and it made me grumbly knowing my weekend was already over at least I knew once I got off work I would get to see the season 2 premiere of Grimm. I don't think I've really mentioned it but Grimm - totally one of my favorite shows from last year. Last week I picked up the first season on bluray and spent most of the weekend marathoning it. *hearts all around for Grimm*

On another note I've been rewatching Junjo Romantica, again. I really miss that manga :( Why can't anyone pick that up as a license salvage? *pouts*

And I know this post is kind of fast and jumbled but hey, that's me lately. But now I believe it's time to go snuggle my kitty and sleep *hugs all*

grimm, junjo romantica

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