Oct 24, 2010 00:55
Well as the subject says I did make it back to the convention today. Slight equilibrium issues and all. Thankfully I didn't really feel any serious side effects from this morning other than the later in the day it got the more my arm hurt. But the vein that they took my blood from is right by a tendon in my arm so I'm guessing it's bound to happen. Have to admit seeing my finger bruised from the first blood test was a surprise.
Back to the con, I got there about 1:30ish and ended up staying til a little after 6pm today. I kind of wanted to leave earlier but around 4 they announced they were doing a yaoi panel at 5 so I hung out for that. During my time there I did go back to the dealer room and buy the last three Fullmetal Alchemist Prop Plus Petit boxes the dealer had and got the other figure I wanted *face palm* I have five I don't want now but I already have two of them sold to a friend that couldn't attend the con - yay! Did one last pass through the artist alley and spent most of the rest of the day in the main lobby.
Shortly after I got there they did a cosplay costume contest - some were really good that hadn't been there yesterday. Then I got to watch a large group of cosplayers do musical chairs. For some reason the image of seeing all these people in costume scrambling for chairs was rather amusing. Then I wandered around for a bit, today I was sitting down a bit more often than I usually do at cons. But I think that was the equilibrium thing. Somehow I managed to be in the right place to hear a professional musician playing anime songs that you were supposed to guess where they were from. He ended up playing one of my favorite songs from Tsubasa and I was the only one in his audience that knew what it was from - yay music geek points! :)
Then we move on the to the yaoi panel. It was fun but man did I feel old *face palm* At one point they asked who was under 18 so they'd know what the limitations were that they could talk about and most of the audience was. I know that I'm not really old but I was feeling it a little. And while most of what they talked about wasn't new to me I was really happy to see I'm not the only Junjo Romantica fan in my area. The other amusing thing I found listening to a yaoi panel was they spent time talking about horror stories of family finding out their "yaoi love" or tricks to hiding yaoi from your family. The whole time I listened to that section I kept flashing on the fact that my mom has bought me an erotic yaoi artbook for Christmas and my dad jokes about the fact I have shelves dedicated to my yaoi. Hiding it is so not my thing XD
After that panel was over I decided it was time to go. When I kept walking by the food that you could buy from the casino staff and that smelled good I realized it was time to feed myself. I know I was kinda bad since I donated blood today cause I ate at 9am before my appointment at 9:30, had coffee around noon, then didn't eat anything til 7pm *face palm* Needless to say I've had the munchies a bit tonight *whistles innocently*
But I will say that while it wasn't the best con I've been to - I think in some ways WonderCon was cause I got to Resident Evil geek it up - I did have fun. I survived going by myself but I really wish I'd had someone to go with. Antisocial non-talking Loyal for a huge chunk of the day when I'm around people that get anime makes a very chatty babbly one when around family afterward.
With any luck, depending on my ambition tomorrow, I'll have pictures up soonish :) *hugs*
snafu con,