I bring some pictures :D Not the Lake Tahoe ones (yet!) cause I have fandom pics I want to post first :)
Up first I have to show off the goodie that I got Wednesday when I was out shopping with my mom :D We went to Best Buy to get a few things and were poking around, I have a coupon to get 10% off a regularly priced CD/DVD/Game so I was checking things out, and found the coolest boom box ever. Now first I have to say I haven't had a boom box since I was in middle school when our house was robbed and the boom box was one of the things missing. I have an iPod and speakers set up for it - so really no need for the boom box. Until my mom pointed out it had a input for MP3 players - it became a sale.
And now...the boom box:
Yes! A Davy Jones' chest boom box *squeee!*
And after I had it out *g* It's now sitting where my old iPod speaker set up was...granted I still have to unplug all that and take them down, but *bounces*
The detail in this is AWESOME! If anyone remembers my POTC theories I'm having way too much fun knowing that Tia Dalma's locket design is on the chest...that and the Kraken is all over it too ;)
Speaking of POTC I also found myself a cool necklace recently shopping:
Tia's locket...kind of. I still really really really want the replica from The Noble Collection but with other stuff I haven't gotten myself to break down and spend the $100+ to get it.
Also some artistic things for your viewing pleasure...just to kind of further the geekness ;)
Well for
peachy_penumbra's visit I actually got my butt in gear and hung up some of the various framed things I had around the house that were supposed to get hung up. Well...most were framed, I got motivated to frame what wasn't too ;) Because of that our house actually has some artistic places now *happy dance*
So here's one of the walls in our living room - ironically next to the china hutch that has all my fancy Lord of the Rings replicas, Nightmare Before Christmas, and oddities (The Crow, zombies, etc), the side wall has my Legolas knives on it ;)
A full panel shot:
Before people ask - the black and white picture in the middle is an art print of my own photography. It is a bondage collar and the model is myself - scary that I'm that pale for the contrast, no? ;)
A detail of my 'Asian' art at the top. I've been collecting this stuff for awhile cause I just love the artistic beauty of them and realized how well they all work together *hearts*
And a close up of my V for Vendetta art cards. I got them when I splurged and bought the fancy Best Buy exclusive 2 disc DVD set. I haven't figured out where I want to put the replica mask yet so it's still sitting in the box but I framed these as soon as I found an frame that would hold 4 5x7 prints this way with a black border :)
And now if you move to the wall by our staircase I have a few things hung up there. First are two "mini" posters for 300 that I found at Hot Topic. Well one I got in stores, the other I ordered offline so I could have the duo. I'm in LOVE with the artistic nature of all the posters. I'm hoping to eventually pick up one of the international ones but for now these work. They're behind our front door but can be seen when the door is shut.
And then my PRIZE poster at the moment. My limited print Saw 3 poster that has Tobin Bell's blood in it. I wasn't sure I would be able to hang this anywhere outside of my room cause the idea freaked my mom out. But then I went and bought a fancy poster frame that would fit it from an actual frame shop, she thought about it, and said she'd be okay with it being up. The poster was damaged in shipping but with it framed it's not as obvious anymore. I know the idea of blood in it is creepy...but the print is so damn cool! All my Saw trilogy posters are white (I have one for the 1st DVD release - so it would be white - and the white theatrical posters for 2 & 3) and this is the special one which is fitting for it to be black *g*
I still have a suicide print of mine to frame (we have to get a replacement frame before we can hang it up) and some other things. But *happy dance* the house is showing our fandom nature *g*
So next week is one of my close friends birthday, a male friend's birthday. After getting his gift I realized that all the birthday wrapping paper I have is rather...girly. This year for my birthday he went all out, bought me a gift (something that is rather...rare), a card, and even wrapped the gift. So I decided to try and doodle up some manly wrapping paper. I'm waiting to hear his 'reaction' *g*
Comments? I figure he can't be too mad...there are boobs on the paper *g*
And with that...I have a CSI ep to cap *hearts* Especially when it got done about 10 minutes ago ;)