Movie Review - Saw 3 -- SPOILER HEAVY!!

Jan 10, 2007 05:53

Since this became a novel - it gets it's own post :)

Saw 3: As the cut said this contains MAJOR spoilers. I will be talking about the end of the movie - major plot details, all that stuff. If you don't want to have things wrecked for you do NOT read on.

Okay...that said I saw Saw 3 twice in theaters. Once at a midnight showing (the day before I met widdershin and owlgrey *cheers*) and once the night before it was taken out of our theaters, day 2 of my 5 day 7 movie insanity :) I wanted to make sure I saw the film twice in theaters cause I've seen the first two twice in theaters as well :) And for people that don't know it, or haven't noticed, the movie comes out on DVD January 23rd *cheers* and it comes out unrated right away *double cheers*

Now to details of the movie *g*

The movie actually starts right where Saw 2 left off with Donnie Wahlberg's character - which I did not expect. Considering how there was a time jump between Saw and Saw 2 I was expecting the same thing for the 3rd installment. And no matter how much of an ass Donnie's character is watching the stuff he does in the beginning of the movie after Amanda locks him up in the bathroom - *winces* he definitely gets his badge for having the survival instinct in spades. The midnight showing I went to with my friend the entire AUDIENCE was wincing at what he does to himself. I won't say what cause this is a surprise factor I don't want to spoil ;)

After that the movie moves to the new trap, the last trap of John/Jigsaw's life. Jigsaw was in fairly bad shape at the end of the 2nd movie so you can just imagine the shape he's in now. Amanda has him hooked up to things to prolong his life and keep him alive long enough that he can watch the results of his game. Now I know that a lot of my friends that actually watch the movies don't like Amanda - I personally do, although there were moments in Saw 3 that I didn't think they had her act in character. Some of the scenes revolved around Jigsaw when he was on his 'death bed' of sorts. But I won't really get into that.

I know that I have a huge standing as being a horror buff and liking the gore and all that. So I will be good and admit to the fact that just like with the needle pit in Saw 2 there was a trap in Saw 3 that had me wincing and squirming in my seat. The meat grinder *shivers* gah....seriously, that had me gagging. For some reason even the thought of rotted maggot ridden pigs getting grinded up to drown you *shivers* Blah :P

Plot points - I really liked the twist on the main game in the movie - although I think for major games (verses the little minor ones) Saw still takes the cake for having the most original. I wasn't overly fond of some of the traps - I think they could have been better, but it made sense in the grand scheme of things.

The Amanda/John storyline. I LOVED all the flash back scenes. Finding out that Amanda was the one that grabbed Adam in the first movie *hearts* I seriously loved all the little bits and pieces that tied Amanda into the first movie more and logically had her working with Jigsaw in Saw 2. The details just made the storyline more interesting, I didn't really feel jipped or anything like that. And it made it very logical for Amanda to get jealous of John's attention to the nurse in the movie (her name's escaping me and I don't want to go look it up).

The end of the movie...I was a little sad that Amanda was killed off - though finding out that the 'game' was for Amanda and no one else *hearts* I loved that. The rant that Amanda went into when she was yelling at John before 'losing' the game though, hit so many nails on the head. The reason that John had to test Amanda was because of her creating 'traps' for her subjects that were impossible to get out of making her a killer. Donnie Wahlberg's character got out but when he managed to beat Amanda up it's assumed she killed him, she put Adam out of his misery when Jigsaw was going to let him starve to death, she killed Donnie's character's partner, and the guy with the chains I'm guessing is the person that got Amanda hooked on drugs. In John's mind he's not a killer because he never is the one that actually kills people. It's either the person in the trap or whoever else is in the situation with them.

In Saw 3 John states that he hates murders - something that Amanda ends up calling herself by the end of the movie. While she's yelling at John Amanda blames John for being the way she is. Some of my friends got mad at her saying that, they didn't agree that Amanda was right to blame John for being a killer. However, I think Amanda was COMPLETELY in her right to blame John. If you look back at Saw when you see the trap that Amanda escaped - John forced her to kill someone. To get the beartrap off her head she had to cut into the stomach of her 'dead' cell mate - who guess what, wasn't dead after all. So shock of all shock's..John turned Amanda into a killer. So - tada! In her right :)

Now the end of the movie - I was actually happy about it. Not only did they kill Amanda, they killed Jigsaw as well. They tied in the previous movies well and wrapped up the series (well aside from the one lose end of John's dreams of some girl when he almost died near the middle of the movie - wtf was that little thing about?). To me the fact they killed them both I hoped would nip the studios pushing to do a Saw 4. But unfortunately it did too well in the box office (and I mean that in a loving unfortunately way). I'm seriously hoping that they'll end up deciding against doing a Saw 4 even though I already heard about the green lighting of it :P

Although if they do a Saw 4, with help from my dad we did make a ponderance for the plot of Saw 4. At the end of Saw 3 Jigsaw plays a tape as he's dying telling the main guy in the game that his daughter is locked away and that he'll have to play another game to find her. Well, my dad looked at me after the movie and asked what happened to Donnie Wahlberg's character. Now earlier I mentioned that it's assumed that Amanda killed him, but John also tells Amanda that he's cleaned up her messes - which you know Adam was not cleaned up, the bodies in Saw 2 weren't cleaned up...which leaves Donnie. So my dad asked if it would be logical that John trained Donnie's character just like he did with Amanda and that Donnie is going to carry on John's work since Amanda failed her test.

Now after he mentioned that I thought about it - a lot - and it makes sense. When John's getting ready for the game to be over (knowing he could die, that Amanda could die) he tells Amanda that there's an envelope for her in his desk drawer. When Amanda opened it she read something in the file that got her upset - made enough that ended up leading to her failing her test, but the audience never finds out what she read in the file. I was thinking that if Donnie's character IS alive and IF John trained him that would be enough to set Amanda off. I mean Amanda went after Donnie's character in Saw 2 because he was the one that put her in jail, where she got addicted to drugs, that caused Jigsaw to turn his attention to her. That would be an understandable thing for Amanda to freak out on.

So yeah *ponders* would at least make a logical sequel - if they have to make another. Would be nice if they do something like that and get Donnie to come back and play the part. If they make a Saw 4 I'll end up seeing it. Although they better not have John in it - unless it's flash backs cause yeah, ban-saw to the neck - definitely would kill someone when they already have a hole in their head and are dying of advance cancer.

But yes - Saw 3 was a good wrap up to the series. I enjoyed it :) Even if I had to think about it a bit more ;)

And with that...I think it's bed time. Hell it's BEYOND bedtime. *hugs friends list*

movie reviews, saw 3

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