The Geoff Johns era Teen Titans; Tim (Robin), Cassie (Wonder Girl), Connor (Superboy) and Bart (Kid Flash). I really like this Young Justice line-up, and I will try and make a series of this with more and more Titans in civilian attire.
I start my EMT training this Tuesday. If all goes well I should be a certified EMT by sometime in June. Then I will most likely continue on through Fire Fighter training and get through that by September.
In other news, Battlestar Galactica Season 4 has been boring so far, and the bad taste of Season 3 remains difficult to remove.
Gail Simone and Nicola Scott, who previously teamed on the illustrious Birds of Prey, will be launching a new Secret Six ongoing series. This is sort of like a spin-off of their previous Birds of Prey work, given the amount of crossover between the two teams that occurred prior to Gail Simone leaving BoP. I can't wait to pick this series up.
GTA 4 looks amazing, New Venture Brothers in a month, Death Note has reached critical levels of fail, and Green Lantern is still better than everything else, ever.