congratulations beuaitful hayley (sissy)
it's ( past midnight :D) exactly a year since the day you left for sweden. right about now a year ago we were drinking passion pop and crying and laughing at the same time.
some good/ sad memories
rowan and hayls (15)
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liss and trish are both egar and we're kicking to put the plans in action. and they'll be absolutely over the moon that you will be joining us. that's fucking fantamagorical. that was the main highlight i think for them to come, to be able to catch up with you.
yeah, the staying over bit, i didn't include, but not to discourage you, nothing personal (HONEST). just i figured you hardly know me from a bar of soap in the bigger picture and i wouldn't want you to feel weird, it's a pretty full on thing to stay at someones house that you've only talked to a bit, and i don't want you feeling anyway obligated or pressureed or anything. not when you haven't even had a chance to get to know me, well, not at all.
so anyway. i'll talk to the gurls and we'll set a date, and i'll get back to you soon with a proposed date and double check that it'll work for you.
so, till then, merry christmas and all the other seasonal greetings stuff... what ever it is hahah.
hope that the rock fest is AWSOME and that you have a blast, just stay safe!
cheers, suzzy
p.s i'm shattered, i got my ds stolen.
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