
Oct 21, 2009 15:03

Hermione is being taken from about halfway through Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, making her a few months shy of her 18th birthday. In the wizarding world, that makes her an adult (the legal age is 17). Since arriving at the hotel, Hermione has officially turned nineteen years old.

She is heterosexual, but if she happens to be exposed to a significant amount of aphrodisiacs and there is an extremely aggressive female trying to seduce her, I'm not against playing out whatever transpires. It may be difficult to get her into bed without significant CR or manipulation, but it isn't impossible. Dub-con is perfectly fine, and I'm usually all right with non-con (just ask me first, please).

She's likely to feel most comfortable with and trusting of her canonmates (except for, y'know, Voldemort or Bellatrix or something) and people who remind her of them. She also tends to gravitate towards intelligent, logical people or those who recognize her own intelligence.

The following are a list of kinks that I'm not interested in playing out with this character:

Shota/loli- Since Hermione's fairly young herself, let's stick with 15 and over.
Bloodplay- Bites (from a vampire or otherwise) are okay, but nothing too extreme, please.

Guro or extreme kinks of any kind- Mutilation, vore, scat, watersports, the whole deal: I don't like it. That's all.

Heavy S&M- She won't willingly hurt anyone except in self-defense or in an intense bout of anger, and while she can deal with pain and even enjoy it a little, she doesn't exactly fantasize about being hurt. Light slapping or scratching are fine, as is bondage.

Beastiality/furries- Hermione likes animals and magical creatures, but she doesn't love them. (Anything in a distinctly human form is okay, though, such as werewolves, shapeshifters, or even certain kinds of demons).

As for everything else, throw it at me and we'll see how it goes. If you'd like to play with her and think what you have in mind might conflict with one of the above conditions, either PM me and ask or just go ahead and tag me. If it bothers me, I'll get in touch with you and we'll work something out.

Also, because people have asked, I absolutely adore CR and am more than willing to play out private storylines, set either in the hotel or elsewhere. I'm pretty laidback concerning most plots, kinks, pairings, and so on, so don't be afraid to PM me with absolutely any questions or suggestions. :)

And because everyone else was doing it, here's a more detailed list of her kinks, if you're interested.