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pilot_princess November 21 2011, 04:30:01 UTC
[Oh, don't mind Anemone. She's already helping herself to overly-sweet tea and cookies.]


1/3? loyal_cube November 21 2011, 04:33:16 UTC
Anemone-chan! Y-You should eat so many! You'll-


2/3 loyal_cube November 21 2011, 04:34:09 UTC

It's Anemone!

Cube pauses mid-sentence and action and stares at her.]


3/3 loyal_cube November 21 2011, 04:36:50 UTC
[His eyes starts to glisten as he just stands there, looking goofy with a smile on his face. He isn't sure what to say.

What if she doesn't remember him?

Then again, he's just happy to see her again, even if she may not recall who he is.]


pilot_princess November 21 2011, 04:40:53 UTC
[She pauses at the moment she hears her name, a cookie hanging from her mouth. She's trying to enjoy these cookies, jeez!

But she tries to hurry up and chew the bit in her mouth, then nods at him.]

You worry too much. But were your cookies always this good, or was I just missing them a lot? These are amazing!

[Sure, there's the whole 'Hello, Cube!' and 'I missed you' huggy stuff that could happen... But no, cookies first, reuniting second.]


loyal_cube November 21 2011, 04:44:18 UTC
[In actuality, this is probably for the best. All the hugging will just bring him to tears. Instead, he chokes back the tears he already has and blushes]

I-it's the same recipe as always. I'm glad Anemone-chan still enjoys them.

If I had known you were back, i would have made you a cake. [Somehow.]


pilot_princess November 21 2011, 05:06:20 UTC
They taste better than normal. [That's okay, tears are what they're used to. But for now, it's all sugar.]

Well, if I knew I was coming, I would have warned you ahead of time. [She beams.] We can always bake one together, right? [But that's when she catches the color on his cheeks and her grin grows.] Aww Cube, are you embarrassed?


loyal_cube November 21 2011, 05:10:19 UTC

[Annnd his cheeks just got brighter]

Ah, N-N-No. I-I'm fine!

[Ignore his flailing]


pilot_princess November 21 2011, 05:14:55 UTC
[She giggles and walks over to him.]

Cube, you're so cute!


loyal_cube November 21 2011, 05:17:07 UTC
[ Fidgeting as Anemone gets closer]

W-What?! I-I-I believe Anemone-chan is mistaken.


Um, ah, would you care for something to drink?


pilot_princess November 21 2011, 07:21:45 UTC
[She just starts laughing, but she nods and holds out her empty tea cup.]

Fine, fine, we won't talk about you blushing. For now.


loyal_cube November 21 2011, 16:36:56 UTC
B-But I'm n-n-not blushing!

[He gladly takes the cup and hurries off to make Anemone tea and brings it back.]

Is Gulliver-san with you as well, Anemone-chan?


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