✪ Reavers! Cafe Clean Up ✪ [Video + Text]

Aug 31, 2010 01:00

[Cube makes a disgruntled and disgusted  groan before starting, looking very pale in the face as a hand covers his mouth and nose]

Excuse me, Discedo... Does anyone have any bleach? I-I'll gladly trade for it or pay you back respectfully.

As soon as possible would be really appreciated, I'll even come get it if you do not feel like walking. [If you're detail oriented, you may notice the demon's eyes are watering as he keeps his mouth and nose covered]


Anemone-chan, please never put anything but sweets and pastries in the oven from now on...

[His request for bleach is repeated in Text as well]

[Locked to Scientists | Text | 50% Hackable]

I'm sorry my first contact to you is requesting items but if it isn't much trouble, would you consider some of the items below for the Cafe?

Green coffee beans or Grounded coffee
Milk or Condensed Milk
Dry Yeast
Butter (preferably sticks but anything as long as it can be used in cooking)
Bag of Tapioca Pearls
Powder creamer
Powdered Cocoa
Tea leaves or the bags of tea. (Different flavors would be good)

I'd appreciate them in larger quantities but anything will be appreciated.


cafe, bleach please, Reavers ≠ oven, fainting is not fun, never shove bodies into ovens anemone, sooooo gross, scientist request, 0h can you hear that?, anemone, going to be sick for a while, 1t's the sound of begging

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