Apr 01, 2011 08:58
So GURL, one of my teachers (i wont say which one because im on a school computer) is so annoying THEY seem to get enjoyment out of students frustration, a quality that reallly agitates me especially in teachers, WHY THE FIREY PIT BELOW DID YOU BECOME A TEACHER you edbfvkqdbfdqb.
BUT being the positive ray of shiney sunshine that i am i will focus the last half of this entry/post on a subject everyone love, pastries and baked thingys. Everyone loved the cuppycakes from yesterday so much that Thursdays are the new "I bring some treats day" Some im not sure what to bring the week after next (since next week is Spring Break) maybe some good ole chocalate chip cookies
*sitting in my spanish class watching Taken (so spanish right lol)
** Happy April Fools day, sorry i couldnt make up a good prankish joke for you