Oh hey, it's that meme that everybody else did like a week ago!
1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
irishmizzy asked me questions!
1. What is your favorite fic trope? AUGH, "forced to be roommates" for sure, although "forced to be roommates" is really just shorthand for "people who are not initially attracted to each other finding out that what they really want to do is use the same fork and invade each other's personal space and have sex with each other angstily and fix each other's damage". Is that a trope?
2. You can bring 3 seasons of a television (same show, different shows, doesn't matter) to a desert island. Which do you pick? Whoa, this was really hard. Season 2 of The West Wing ("Whole houses. Clear off the ground."), Season 3 of Lost (whatever, I LOVE the Hydra episodes, I do not understand people who hate the Hydra episodes, everyone is amazing and angry and getting stungunned and loving each other and Juliet is SO COOL and Ben is SO EVIL, plus that's the season where Sayid kills the guy WITH HIS FEET), and whatever season of Friends has "The One Where No One's Ready" which, I would argue, is really the only twenty-two minutes of television anyone will ever need. I do kind of think it's interesting that two of these are shows that I'm not really fannish about, but I guess that makes sense because generally I'm fannish about shows that are kind of crappy?
3. What was the first concert you went to? For my birthday in seventh grade we went to one of those Jingle Ball-type concerts with like twelve acts, and because this was 1998 (and because it was awesome) those acts included Mariah, KC and Jo-Jo, Nsync, 3rd Eye Blind, and Matchbox 20, although my mom made us leave before Matchbox 20 because we had school the next day and we had to catch the train back to the suburbs. GOD, Mom, way to be an oppressor.
4. Which reality show would you make the best contestant on? Why? Frankly I think I would kick ass on "For the Love of Ray-J." I think when Ray-J asked, "
lowriseflare, are you here for the love of Ray-J?" my "Yes," would be really convincing.
5. What is your theory about what the eff is going on on Lost? I have no working theory. I mean, that's a lie, I have a million working theories, I think Juliet is Jack's baby mama and that Jack is going to die and that Sawyer and Kate are going to suck face but probably not end up together because he's going to help her escape in the Sideways and she'll just keep running forever, and I think we're never going to find out about Walt, and I think everybody who is dead on the Island is toast in the Sideways, and I think Desmond will be fine, and I think Hurley and Crazy Claire are probably next to go, and I think Jacob and his Nameless Brother are kind of boring, there I said it, but I have no idea what's actually going to happen and I kind of like it that way. I have a Slurpee, I am sitting in the backseat with the windows rolled down, I am along for the ride.