Mar 16, 2005 11:38
Ok well im either really lazy or i've lost some ambition for this online journal thing, maybe i've just been busy lately and haven't had time to get on. Yeah you prolly right, im just lazy!...I guess alots happened sense the last time i posted, it all escapes me at the moment :-) Ok, I guess i can start with something that everyone already knows. I got some work done on the truck. The bed was completely fixed and i had the bungee holes and tail gate handle shaved so its all smooth. BUT then on sunday maybe 40 mins before i got off work someone backed up into me and damaged my freshly re-done tailgate. Its currently back in the shop and i think i should have it today, hmmm i guess i'll have to call.
Goin camping for spring break which will be alot of fun :-D I still have to call and reserve the spot tho. But before i can call i have to talk to my old neighbors cuz they have all the info on the place..i have to much to do. Im still waiting to go to work, big job which is good cuz everyone knows i like money :-P
HEHE i bought a tanning package but yet still havent gone, its ok tho cuz its a one month unlimited but the month count down doesnt start until the first time i go. So i could save it and start tanning in may and my one month would start then. I think thats pretty cool..Im still wanting to take the hip hop dance class, I have to call them also. Going down there would be better but its all the way in portland and i currently am without insurance on my vehicles, except the work van of course. Stupid insurance people wont let me get it myself cuz the registration is in my moms name and they wont let her get it because sense she got married her name doesnt match the registration LOL, such stupidness. So pretty much i wont have insurance until atleast April 1st, if im lucky!! Theres alot more goin on but i dont feel like typeing anymore. Yeah the laziness is taking over, its gunna be a bumpy ride sense i have things to do :-)
Talk to you peoples later, PEASSSS!! he he talk to ninecat if your not sure what that means lol