Sorry...but don't talk to me till May 18th!!!

May 04, 2004 19:22

I have possibly the crazyist (sp?) three weeks ever!!! This week I have my last week of classes, Mother's day at the flower shop (the busiest week in flower shop history) is my sister's 18th birthday and i can't spend any time with week, i have 2 finals next wednesday...then thursday thru sunday i have to drive back and forth from home to tarrytown and back every day while taking care of an epileptic cat in the morning and at night, and then the day after i get home i have 2 final...the day after that i will be comotos (sp?) and then i am free...i can't wait until i have time to visit with everyone who is coming back home.

ps...there kat, i posted...what now...I know it was amazing!!
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