
Oct 13, 2005 13:33

Oh man. I can't actually believe it, but I'm flustered with work. My desk resembles my bedroom, i.e it's a big mess, paper everywhere. It's funny how small tasks that you assume will take a matter of minutes actually take up the whole morning when you really need to be getting on with more important things. Work is grand. It's good to be busy. Though getting to work this morning was rather tricky with no Northern Line. I was an hour late... and nobody cared!!!1

It's coming up to my birthday and as usual i'm not sure if they'll be mass celebration or not. Neil, a work colleague, pointed out that i'd be 21 on the 21st, a once in a lifetime occurence. If that's not a reason to get absolutely annihilated, i;m not sure what is. I think I'm going to take a couple of days off work to destroy myself..It's been a while but I can feel the withdrawal symptons. You know...feeling healthy, lots of energy, a spring in a step. All I know so far is that Saturday will more than likely be spent in Bath alongside Chloe's birthday and that on Monday I think i'll be in London....which leaves Friday and Sunday spare. I won't deny that i don't enjoy the attention of a birthday. Anyone that denies that is a liar...or they haven't partied for 50 years and have a computer full of pornography. Or they just don't like the attetntion, maybe. Or more likely the case, friends will come up with excuses and the celebration will be somewhat depleted. This is usually my case. I can't see this year being any different but i'm sure i'll see most people, maybe.

So remember 21st OCTOBER. Write your cheques out to Mr D J Purdom.

I should probably write about losing my mobile phone but there isn't rally much to say aside from Camden really is as dodgy as it looks. But I have the same number as before... if you don;t have it, email me or something. I have a really small contact list now. It's depressing..
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