(no subject)

Dec 30, 2004 15:35

I'm so bored. I've been invited to a party later(thankyou George and Doug). I'm beginning to feel really guilty about hardly doing any Uni work over the holidays whilst spending far too much time sleeping and getting drunk with people.

Xmas wasn't over-rated. I didn't expect much, didn't really want any presents, received some presents and was plesantly surprised. I can't understand the whole asking people what presents you want. I can understand if your a kid but i would just feel a little selfish if i told people what i wanted. At the same time i wouldn't want someone spending lots of money on something i wouldn'tlike.

Xmas Eve was one of my favourite nights out all year, if not favourite. I met about 20 people people in Assam's at about 9pm where we all had curry. Not to mention the copious amounts of lager, whiskey, wine and champagne. A lot of these people i hadn;t seen for a while. I've always maintained that the most perfect nights are when everyone is one the same wavelength and want the same outcomes in the evning(to have lots of fun). It seems a bit silly but more often than not, there's people(including myself), through no fault of their own, dampen the mood. Now there were like 20 close mates all with the aim to get shitfaced!

And this 20 would turn into more when we got to The Pig. It's been a tradition for everyone i know to go to The Pig on xmas eve. It was the perfect setting to chat with people i hadn't seen for a while. Chatted with a few people who said there was nothing to do in Trowbridge and that they wanted to go back to Uni. I kinda have to agree with them. When i'm back in Uni, i won't be spending days bored on my own and i'll have money to spend.

Still a little shellshocked about the situation in South East Asia. It's the biggest tragedy i've ever witnessed and i've found myself just drawn into watching news channels for hours on end at the moment. There's a really big chance someone i know could have been involved but i don't really want to speak about that here...Seems terrible to say that a near miracle/luck came out of such devastation....but it did. Makes you feel a bit empty.
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