For clarification...

Sep 21, 2005 22:55

I'd like to clear up some things about the "accident" that occurred today on the way to lunch.

Most importantly, no one was hurt. Nothing was damaged, no cars or trees hit, no insurance claims or hospitalizations or anything.

Secondly, there was no risk of the car flipping over or being ripped apart by a tree or anything like that. 1) It's a heavy, low-to-the-ground, wide vehicle that had very even weight distribution. It was not going to flip going less than 15 mph onto a 10 degree incline. 2) The car was moving less htan 10mph by the time it was onto the shoulder, and the nearest tree was at least 10 yards away. Also, my car is, as I said, very was sinking into the muck so fast I couldn't have hit that tree at over 2 mph if I wanted to. And I have steel bumpers. Do the math.

Finally, all that had to be done was have a towtruck pull it back a little. It could have been pushed out, even, if Elliot/John/etc. hadn't been bastards and driven right by.

How did this happen? The roads were wet, the intersection was covered in pine needles. Bad combination, even at 14 mph. Especially as bad as my tires are. The car hydroplaned briefly and sank right into the sand/drit/mud/whatever as soon as it hit the shoulder. I didn't "wreck", I got stuck. Not a big deal, I'm sure all of you who drive with any frequency will get stuck in mud at some point or another. Even the guy who saw it said my driving wasn't at fault.

At least I didin't drive it off a mountain and land it on it's top, totalling it, with my 4-year-old nephew in the passenger seat (*cough*like my mom did to her first car*cough*).
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