So Iceland has banned lapdancing clubs Which is great news! Several thousand women out of a well-paid job (not forgetting the bouncers, bar staff and cleaners who work there as well) many of whom will probably end up as prostitutes due to a lack of education and skills
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I hate the Guardian for the same reason I hate the Mail, because it is biased and everything it prints is to fulfil an agenda. Which is a shame because the Life and Style section in the Guardian is pretty good.
Well you know me, I have been Miss Private Sector since the age of 16. It would be nice to have the job security and the pension that comes with (some, not all) public sector jobs. However, without the public sector the private sector would not be able to work. People complain about admin workers and managers in the NHS for example but they are there to keep it functioning.
Besides..we didn't have an economic meltdown because of too many public sector workers. It was the privately owned banks which cocked things up!
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