I am so happy right this very second. Oh, to walk outside and be chilled, I am in love with weather. It definetly added to the mood of my ever so relaxing night. My dearest friend Jen and I saw the Marie Antoinette movie and then had a nice dinner. Sofia Coppola captures a story so well. Although, this film had the least dialogue i've ever encountered in a film. And it didn't have or foreshadow her death in any way, and I wish it did. The desaturation, the subtle lighting, the colors of the set and costumes... all impecable. Sofia coppola has an eye like I've never seen. Which leads me to say, I decided i'd like to be a director. Yep. My heart isn't in photography as much as it used to be. But maybe I am just becoming really comfortable. I really can't go anywhere without my camera in hand. I my heart were deeply in it i think i would be producing masses of photographs, scheduling many a photoshoot and posting 'breathtaking'photography. I mean, I'd like to be doing that. Oh But graphic design gets my blood flowing. I like messing with shapes, texts, fonts and colors. Putting together a 350 page book was a rather exiting thing for me. But I want to find the art that gets my blood flowing. Movies inspire me above all things, thus why I would like to be the one to make them. I'm friends with a director in CA. His name is Kevin, he's helped on the Panic! set, he directed a Rory video, hes done a couple others and he can help me get started. [SO] when I get a job (which should be within this week) Im going to save money and stay with him just to get my toes wet, hopefully sometime after I will be emersed in director-knowledge and even more so in inspiration. Maybe someone reading this would like to help me with one of my films. eh? We shall see. Another journey I accepted was to yet again re-befriend and old friend. I shot a couple photos of him that i'm rather pleased with. Here they are...
[edit] New job: Chili's baaaabah!