Class=bored as hell

Feb 18, 2004 08:57

Im sitting in class and im supost to bve writing a paper, but incase you dont know me very well, i suck at doing work. so i am going to give you something to do. read. as you might have noticed i havent writen in my journal in a while. been pretty busy, well not really just pretty lazy...

but anyway. weve been hitting up the slopes alot lately and are kicking ass! give props to jon and myself for succesfully landing our 360's repeditivly. (jons better) but whos counting?...but seriously folks, i have a question for you guys. who really knows what they want to do as a career? are you sure you want to sit at a boring desk everyday listeing to 7 different bosses tell you how you need to do something or maybe you would like to stock shelves for the rest of your life. Well maybe thats the kind of people and the kind of lives you want to be and live but when im old and grey, i want to have something to show what ive done with my life. Let me tell you, working at a desk job or working in a grocery store is not very exciting. Im not sure what may lye(<==spelt really wrong)in my path in my life, and it is all fuzy and gray right now, but i have faith that there is something for me. Theres something for all of us. right? well ill stop blabbering and let that sink for a while..........................................ok thats good enough. i have to go finish writing this paper now for this class that will probably help me with nothing in my life. tuo ofom.
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