Don't Think You Know What The Hell I'm All About, Don't Think You've Got My Shit All Figured Out.

May 01, 2007 21:50

Starting Time: 9:52

Name: jonah

Sisters: 1 (half)

Brothers: 1 (step)

Shoe size: depends ... shoe 13 boot 10

Height: 5'11"

What are you wearing rite now? blue jeans black shirt ... what else

Favorite Number: 666

Favorite Drink: mountain dew or chocolate milk

Favorite Month: any month thats not cold

Favorite Breakfast: ice cream sandwiches

***********Have You Ever*****************

Love someone so much who made you cry? i don't think so

Broken a bone: no

Been in a police car: yea

Been on a boat: yea

Came close to dying: probably when i was born

Been in a hot tub: i think so

Swam in the ocean: yea

Fallen asleep in school: yea

Broken someone's heart: probably

Cried when someone died: yea

Fell off your chair: probably

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: haha if anything they waited for me

Saved e-mails: yeah

Been cheated on: yea

***********What is-****************

Your room like? a fucking mess

Whats right beside you: noting

What is the last thing you ate? shitty left over ham and potatoes and carrots
-------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------

Chicken pox: yea fuckin chickens

Sore throat: yea

Stitches: one

Broken nose: no

-------------------------Do You------------------------------------

Like picnics? not really

Like school? haha no


Who was the last person you danced with: bitch at prom last year


Did you last yell at: umm i never really yell at anyone, i yell along with the music in my car

Do you like filling these out: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Do you like yourself? somedays
---------------------Final Questions---------------------------

What are you listening to right now? deicide - fuck your god

Hated someone in your family?: probably

What car do you wish to have: mazda 3

Good singer: haha if you consider my music singing then yes i have many voices

Diamond or pearl: neither i dont like them and theyre too expensive to buy for people

Are you oldest?: yea

Indoors or outdoors? depends

------------------ today did you------------------------------

1. Talk to someone you like? yea

3. Get sick? still kinda sick

4. Sing: screamed/growled yea

5. Talked to an ex: no

6. Miss someone: yea

----------------------------Last person who---------------------------

7. Was in your bed(besides you): amanda a long time ago :(

8. You talked to on the phone? amanda

9. Made you cry? Bush for sending my best friend to his possible death

10. Went to the movies with: amanda

11. You went to the mall with: amanda

18. Been to Mexico: no

19. Been to Canada: yea

20. Been to Africa: no


21. Do you like someone: no

22. What books are you reading right now: none

23. Best feeling in the world: hahahaha

24. Future kids names: kids?

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no

26. What's under your bed: nothing

27. Favorite sport to watch: does porno count as a sport

30. Favorite location?:anywhere away from home

32. Who do you really hate?: i dont know

33. Do you have a job?: yea

35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: probably

37. Are you lonely right now: yea

Time Finished: 10:15
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