Feb 26, 2006 00:17
i just ripped the most evil bandaid in the world off of my inner elbow. for what may have been the first time in my life, i actually did the thing where you just tear it all off in one go. usually, i'm a chicken about it, and i'll either go find a warm, damp cloth, and use it to compensate my poor skin for the sweaty gluey stickiness it's being deprived of as i slowly peel the offending strip away, or i'll do the big tear thing, but millimeters at a time. neither are especially effective methods for bandaid removal, thus i choose to use bandaids as seldomly as possible. unless they're the weird cartoon character bandaids that leanne always seems to have with her, because those have penises all over them, and are well worth the pain.
anyway, i just tore it off. and it not only hurt like hell, but it also left what appears to be a huge bandaid shaped welt, complete with the little holes that are supposed to let air in, and the folds that it collected throughout the day because i am NOT keeping my arm straight EVER to accommodate a bandaid. especially not THIS bandaid. i am pissed. i had better have some horrible disease to warrant all that bloodwork. and i still have to bring them my pee. mystery illnesses can be fun, with the whole mystery "ooh, what's wrong with me?" game show guessing thing, but also not so much fun with the other, bigger "hey, i feel like crap and i can't do a damn thing about it and now i don't need to get that tattoo because i've already got a fresh, edgy, body mutilating mark thanks to that bandaid that will be with me forever god i hate my life" thing.
while trying to figure out how to end this post, i was letting my eye wander around the posting page, and while i've already commented on this "autosave" feature, which i'm sure is an excellent idea, though i've yet to see any real advantage in it on a personal level, i have NOT commented on the "post by email" feature. this is a paid account option, and i am certainly not going to pay for the privilege of addressing my audience of like five people (hi guys) - or more if you count the people who know people i know and must know i'm here, but don't say anything because they don't like me, which is fine, but kinda sad because i'm really a lovely person etc (hi to you guys too) - so it doesn't actually apply to me. but really... and i'm just shooting in the dark here... if you can access your email to post that way... could you not also access... say... livejournal.com? and once you're there... ... ... ... post?
of course, it won't cross my mind to click the link that says "post by email" to see what possible good it could do, and i'm not really interested in actually knowing anything more about this particular function. looks like i'm just wasting valuable sleep time - both mine and yours. by the way, if you're not sleeping now WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? nothing is superior to sleep. apart from sex. but please don't be having sex while reading my blog. that disturbs me. and truthfully, sometimes sleep is still better than sex. go to sleep.