much love and shows

Apr 19, 2005 10:10

ok so we have some news in the band i would like to post up here real quick. i think that were letting ross go because he, too could not make it to practice as often as we needed. i feel kinda bad cause he was a pretty cool guy but oh well, the abnd is more important than one individual. i thik we will either be getting john stephens or jeremy randazzo from elsamort to fill in. we jammed with jay this weekend and he is really good, i enjoied it thourouly. ok so we have a few shows as of now so i will fill you in

June 4th- toys music center-lafyette- lowercase of seconds/ destroyed by fire

June 6th- dagostino's- lake charles- lowercase of seconds/same in san juan/ simpliciter/ in the wake/ sleeping alone

June 22nd- toys music center- lafyette- ache:emilie/elsamort/lowercase of seconds(i am really excited about this show ache:emilie is going to rock so hard and bring the best show ive ever seen, and i have the honor of playing with them?

june 25th- maxs house??? maybe- lafyette- bronze medel fest- lowercae of seconds/eslamort/we set out to sea/ some others taht are still in the booking process

yeah max is booking some other shows at cafe chi alpha/cafe cottage/ reinissence/cite des arts/ and maybe club sin

come check us out and we will promise to rock you out very hard

love you all
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