Feb 26, 2007 19:04
It feels like the second semester always drags. I need a break. I think it's because we go for 3 months straight with no days off and I think after a while things just get way too redundant and boring and everyone starts to get on each others nerves. I decided that I am definately changing my minor to journalism. I think it's the only thing I would be good at and the only thing that I would like. Women's studies and african american studies really aren't my thing. I am good at writing and I am going to take documentaries instead of drama. I just don't think I would like drama. I'd rather do my own thing. I'd rather work by myself then in a group. I'd rather write and document about real experiences rather than fake. It feels good to know what I want. This whole time I had no idea what I was going to do. I've been slacking really bad on my work this semester, but I'm getting better. I always do this. I fuck myself over until mid terms and then when I realize I have F's I shape up. Things are okay. I punched my hand into a few walls last weekend. My hand was a disgusting mess, but other than that, things are okay. I love living by myself. I get a lot more done. Everything is so much more peaceful. I miss so many things. I miss my house and I miss everyone at home. I miss ctc and I miss Maria. I want to quit smoking the cigs. I would feel so much better. I spend way too much of my time in the editing lab. I'm getting really good at camera work, and scripts and the editing software. And it feels really good to be improving in all of those things and to get good grades and to get compliments on my work. I love knowing that I am improving. I can't wait to come home in three weeks.