I just downloaded a livejournal application for my iphone. Im at my dads house right now because tomorrow is my grandma's funeral...i got to say my goodbyes at christmas and she passed on NYE. Its going to be so weird not having her in ny life. Im glad 2008 is over lets just put it that way.....
I was talking to "the poet" as i called him. We were talking for about two months and spent about two weeks... Making out... He had issues and all his "issues" just got in the way. I hadn't heard from him in about a week so as per-usual ashley and i went to the hemlock for funday monday. I ran into dave who worked at the castro diesel about 4+ years ago. I asked him about maybe him djing at my work he said yes, and got my phone number. The next thing i know he comes up to me and asks me on a date. He always had a girl friend when he worked at diesel. And last i had heard he'd moved to baltimore a few years ago. So it was a shock to see him in the first place. But anywho, he asked me on a date and explained that hes liked me for four years and has always wanted to ask me out but always had his girlfriend. The next thing i know i kissed him. Hahaha. We spent the rest of the evening together and then i spent the night at ashley's. The the day i left for the holidays. We texted 12 hours plus everyday i was gone. He came all the way to oakland airport to see me. I dont know how to describe this feeling. Its so over whemling and we both agree that we've never liked someone so much so fast. But i am totally smitten. I miss him whenever he is not around. And when hes not around we text until we see eachother. My 09 has been almost perfect. I feel really blessed.
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