Seven Aziraphale/Crowley fics from the Porn Battle

Feb 18, 2011 18:35

Hullo, all! I bring greetings and offerings-- seven, in fact. All are fics that I wrote for oxoniensis' Porn Battle XI. Unfortunately, I was the only one to write Good Omens fic. Also, they're, er... not terribly porny.

Enjoy them anyway!

Title: Constant
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: R
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: Historical fic, smut
Summary: Written for oxoniensis ' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: spectacles, armchair, discovery, time, ancient. From the A/N: "Fuck it. Sometimes you just need angel porn."
It's 4004, and nobody on Earth-- two humans and an angel, at the moment-- knows exactly why they're counting down the years instead of up. Not yet. )

Title: Messy (originally Slippery When Wet)
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: R
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: PWP
Summary: Written for oxoniensis ' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: leather, water. Straight smut... plus angels. Why yes, I am going straight to Hell. That's okay, so did Mozart and Beethoven.
A/N: Posting more PB fills. GDI, there needs to be more Good Omens fic out there.
Crowley shifted, and Aziraphale made an embarassing noise almost as loud as the squeak of his wet skin against the white leather of Crowley's sofa. )

Title: Really Weird Things 
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: NC-17
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: PWP
Summary: Written for oxoniensis ' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: [any], so I filled in the second most suggestive line in the book. What's a Good Omens porn battle without some blowjob fic?
"Nothing about [Crowley] looked particularly demonic, at least by classical standards. No horns, no wings. ... Crowley had dark hair and good cheekbones and he was wearing snakeskin shoes, or at least presumably he was wearing shoes, and he could do really weird things with his tongue." )

Title: Swan Song
Author: jane_potter
Rating: PG-13
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: Aaaangst, (ethereal) PWP
Warnings: major character death
Summary: Written for
oxoniensis' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: time, storm, public, feathers.
Dead litter the ground, real dead, occult and ethereal like. Here on these fields they can die. Heaven, Hell- and nonexistence. )

Title: Feathers 
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: Gennish... sex?
Summary: Written for oxoniensis ' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: feathers, public. This may be the first G-rated (pseudo-)sex scene you ever read. I wrote in a scramble to get some wing!fic into the Porn Battle but ended up submitting it fifteen minutes late; I hope it doesn't get bahleeted for that. Ah, well. It's safe here. :)
They are five seconds away from kissing, fifteen seconds from sex-- and yet they couldn't be farther away. Who gives up love-making in exchange for... rutting? )

Title: Mochaccino Cherub
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: PG-13
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: Kind of in between gen and actual sex.
Summary: Written for
oxoniensis' Porn Battle 11. Prompt: coffee. Aziraphale returns from Heaven with a new corporation, and Crowley is rather taken by it.
A/N: Catching up on posting my PB fills. Also, this is because I am a little bit sick and tired of how, in a fandom whose main characters can canonically change bodies (and presumably have, given the ludicrous idea of them wearing white corporations in Africa or the Middle East in the years BC), nobody ever presents them as person-shaped-beings of colour. Nonsense, I say. Nonsense. And Adam and Eve were black. *nods firmly*
Startled, Crowley peeled off his glasses and squinted to be sure. "Aziraphale?" )

Title: Idols and Inspiration (or, A Look At Immortals Through the Eyes of Art History)
Author: jane_potter 
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Crowley/Aziraphale
Genre: History-fic,
Summary: Written for
oxoniensis' Porn Battle 11. Prompts: museum, ancient. What it says on the tin. Plus artwork!
A/N: The conclusion of my PB entries, along with the realisation that I didn't write very much actual porn at all.
Crowley always insists that the Stele of the Snake-King is his. Aziraphale tells him not to be ridiculous, the cobra was a hieroglyph, not a depiction, but Crowley counters that they weren't hanging around each other much back then and Aziraphale has no idea what he was up to in Abydos that century. )


slash, historical, smut, fic, aziraphale, wings, crowley, aziraphale/crowley, history

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