Title: Show and Tell
Rating: G
Characters: OC, War.
Summary: Last lecture of term and Professor Plum's brought along his best prop...
Disclaimer: I do not own Good Omens and I make nothing from this except my own entertainment.
Word Count: 500
The end of term’s so close that Professor Plum can almost smell it )
Title: Wild on My Shoulder
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Aziraphale/War, Crowley/Mary Hodges, Famine, Pollution, shades of Pestilence.
Summary: Continuing the
Viennese crossover of sorts, Aziraphale finds himself in a dim attic at the end of a lonely hallway with War; Famine takes a midnight walk by the river; and Mary Hodges is fleetingly curious.
Disclaimer: I own neither Good Omens nor anything Leonard Cohen has ever sung, except in a strictly non-intellectual-property-related way, and I make nothing from this but my own entertainment.
A/N: Still a darkish shade of crack, still after
Leonard Cohen, after Lorca. With thanks once again to
possibly_thrice, since this echoes
her own awesome work. ♥
Word Count: 1122
Dark stairs, a dank hallway, a dim attic burnished by a wrought-iron blaze of lanterns )