Hello there! *waves*
Long time lurker here. I've been a fan of the book for ages. I've lost count of how many times I've read it :D
Strangely enough, I bring fanart for something that is not strictly limited to the book. It's for
steadfast's sequel to the sequel aka 'Paradise Thwarted'. Please consider this my humble way of expressing how fantastic I think both 'Manchester Lost' and its sequel are. Do keep up the lovely work! ♥
Title: Superman's got nothing on this
amcw177Warnings: None.
Spoilers: One may consider this a spoiler for 'Paradise Thwarted'. The scene which inspired this doesn't happen until chapter 10. So beware.
Rating: C for Crack. Otherwise: G and absolutely worksafe
Disclaimer: Good Omens belongs to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Manchester Lost and Paradise Thwarted and any original characters therein belong to
steadfast. Definitely not making any money with this.
located @
allnightlights, just click the preview.
I really hope this is okay and I'm not stepping on anybody's toes here. If not or if I do, please tell me and I'll remove this asap. Otherwise thanks a lot for your time and please enjoy :)