Title: The Temptation of Aziraphale, or How to Lose a Flaming Sword Without Really Trying
Author: Kungfunurse
Fandom: Good Omens
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: Hard R for violence and gore. Pay attn to the warning! Also demons sometimes use swear words. I tried to stop 'em, but you know how demons are.
Warnings: Ummm... see above? Also use of authorial footnotes and gratuitous sap at the end (cause I'm a sucker for a happy ending)
Disclaimer: I don't own and wasn't the one who thought up Good Omens, Aziraphale, Crowley, Hell, War, sex, lust, etc.
Summary: Crowley is kidnapped and dragged to Hell. Aziraphale goes to get him back.
A/N: This is a gift fic for
icarus_chained who wrote the first GO fic I'd ever read, and who's continuing
Arrangements-verse is a source of unending delight to me.
I'd also like to thank the peerless
carodee for doing an incredible beta. She very kindly prompted and suggested, making this story so much better than it ever would have been without her. Also she gets credit for 1/2 the title. *g*
The Temptation of Aziraphale