the Mod Hat of Housekeeping

Aug 13, 2009 10:46

On the off chance that anyone is eyeing this morning's drop in community membership anxiously: Don't Panic. (Imagine that's in large friendly letters, as it by all rights should be.) The only journals removed were deleted journals; if the holder of one of those revives their account, they're more than welcome to join again. It just struck me as time to shed the dead weight.

As to what brought this bout of housekeeping on: vulgarweed has volunteered to move us into the Era of Tagged Posts! I can't say yet whether we'll have author/artist tags (it depends on how quickly we run into the tag limit, and with five six(!!) and a half years' worth of posts... yeeeeeeah), but we'll at least have type (fic, art, meta), genre, and character/pairing tags for y'all. After the groundwork's in place, I'll open up the tagging system so that everyone can add tags, if they need a new one.

tagging, voice of mod

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