GO Moments

May 20, 2009 10:20

I had a Good Omens Moment (TM) yesterday and just had to share. We were on the way home from a camping trip when one of my roommates made a comment about how I dressed like "a librarian from the '50s" (her words exactly) and commenced ragging on me about my lack of fashion sense. It was too perfect. Before I even realised what I was doing, I sputtered: "but--but--tartan is stlyish!"

I then proceeded to be obscenely proud of myself and to sit there giggling while my friends wondered what in the h--in Vancouver I was so happy about (they haven't read the book.)


Anyone else ever have an experience like that? I mean, I don't go out of my *way* to dress like Aziraphale (most women in their '20s likely don't, although fashion over the last year or so has made it a lot easier than usual) but I guess the influence of the book sort of lingers in my mind in a weird sort of way. A few years ago I went through a tweed phase, too. Hah, it's like I want to impress others by making them unimpressed. :D


Entirely different topic: does anyone remember that old Yahoo!Group Crowley's Angels? It seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth and that makes me sad. I mean, there's the Good Omens Library, which I've recently discovered, and which is awesome, and the fanfiction.net section for this fandom has pretty much tripled since I last read through everything some years ago, but I can't help but mourn some of the fic that seems to have evaporated entirely....


tartan, random, other communities

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