Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me...
Today I picked up a copy of Good Omens in hardback (second hand, £2 no less!). I sincerely doubted it was a first edition but the inside says 1990 so I knew it wasn't a reprint.
In any event, I tracked down this website:
http://www.colinsmythe.co.uk/terrypages/tpotherworks.htm#omens Which has it there, it's: Guild Publishing, 12,000 copies, (CN 6407)
In any event, at the top it says that in the Corgi paperback they altered the text a bit? I was wondering if anyone knew if it was just the Gollancz first edition that was unaltered or if my version is as well? I don't feel up to comparing it line by line with my paperback...
If this makes any sense I'm amazed.
I'd be so chuffed if this was a different version as I only really bought it for the novelty of the picture of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett on the back ^_^
X Posted to neilgaiman