Remix fic: A Moon-Lit Challenge (The Ill-Met, Proud Titania Remix)

Apr 27, 2008 15:00

This was one of my projects for remixredux08, a remix of a lovely crossover smutlet by hyel.

A Moon-Lit Challenge (The Ill-Met, Proud Titania Remix) [Crossover, Good Omens/His Dark Materials, Adam Young/Lyra Belacqua, R]

Author: vulgarweed
Fandoms: Good Omens/His Dark Materials
Pairing: Adam/Lyra (with appearances by, of course, Pantalaimon, as well as Mary Malone, Dog, Aziraphale, Crowley, and a guest star)
Rating: R
Summary: The new Eve and an Antichrist - not so much star-crossed as Dust-crossed lovers. Lyra wants her happy ending so badly, but she's still a long way away from endings of any kind.
Disclaimer: Apologies to Philip Pullman, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchett.
Author's notes: There are references here and there to Gaiman's and Pratchett's other work, and...who knows what else. Things tend to blur together in L-Space.
Original story: A Moon-Lit Challenge, by hyel

remix, adam young, crossover:his dark materials, het, crossover, fic

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