First post, 2 fics!

Feb 01, 2008 23:30

Hi, everyone! I've been lurking here for awhile, but I finally went back in my journal and found some GO fics I already wrote! The first one was my first Good Omens fic. The second one is really just a bonus, but I'm putting it here because I'm already posting, anyway. It's a House, MD fic, but it relates closely to GO and A/C.

Title: Broken
Fandom: Good Omens
Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley
Rating: PG? I think. It's not bad. Minor snuggling. Major fluff.
Warnings/Author Notes: boy love. And, this one actually has been beta'd! haHA. Read and critiqued (about a million times) by my lovely friend QS. Thanks for your help, espescially with the evilparagraphOFDOOM. You know which one I'm talking about.

The first thing Aziraphale saw that morning when he opened the door was a very battered, very unconscious demon. Aziraphale's eyes widened , but he sighed and bent down to pick up his friend. Scooping Crowley smoothly into his arms, Aziraphale lifted him effortlessly -- all that guarding and sword-wielding had made him quite stronger than he looked -- and carried him gently into the bookshop, willing the door shut behind him. Aziraphale made his way slowly to the back of the shop, being careful not to crack Crowley's head on anything. He took Crowley straight upstairs to the tiny bedroom, which he kept mostly for appearances, and laid him on the seldom used bed.

Aziraphale placed his hands on either side of Crowley's face and concentrated. He knew he had healing powers, like all angels did, but being away from Heaven for so long seemed to have reduced his abilities. He heaved a sigh of relief when his fingertips began to glow and the bruises faded, the broken bones knitting themselves back together. The demon's eyes opened, cloudy but still shockingly bright. After a few moments of staring, Aziraphale leaned back into a sitting position. Crowley turned his head to keep eye contact with him, but whimpered quietly when he did so. Aziraphale put his hand back on Crowley's face and carefully straightened his head. Crowley made another strangled noise.

"Fixsss me, angel," he whispered. "They've broken me. I tried..."

"Shh," Aziraphale whispered back. Obviously, Crowley was still a little out of it. "Shh, Crowley. It's okay. You're not broken anymore, my dear."

"No, no," Crowley said, louder, wincing. He rolled over onto his stomach, gritting his teeth in pain, and Aziraphale scrambled backwards as great feathery wings unfurled from Crowley's back.

Crowley was right, of course. His wings were definitely broken. Aziraphale ran his fingers slowly over a few of the feathers, straightening the ones that had been ruffled. Crowley made another pained noise, and Aziraphale retracted his hand quickly, still staring. Some of the feathers were simply out of place, while others were bent or broken in half. Some were completely missing, leaving small blank spots. Trying to be gentle, Aziraphale began "fixing" Crowley's feathers, trying to ignore the pitiful little sounds the demon was making. He eventually put one hand on Crowley's back, between his shoulder blades, and started rubbing little circles there, to keep him calm. It took nearly five hours to finish the job.

"Crowley?" Aziraphale whispered to his friend. "I've finished, and I think you may want to try to sleep."

Crowley nodded slowly into the pillow, and retracted his wings. He rolled over again and made eye contact with Aziraphale.

"Thanksss. I owe you one, angel," he said quietly. Aziraphale smiled at him and touched him gently on the cheek.

"No problem, dear. Really. You don't owe me anything. Now, go to sleep, alright? I'm going to make lunch." He stood up from the bed and started towards the door, still looking at Crowley. "I'll be back soon. Try to get some rest."

Though Aziraphale had finished preparing lunch hours ago, Crowley was still asleep. Aziraphale sat in the corner, reading, but his head jerked up with a rustling from the bed. Crowley's legs were moving, like he was trying to run, and he was muttering under his breath. Aziraphale stood up and then sat carefully on the bed, shaking Crowley gently to wake him. The demon didn't open his eyes, but instead groped wildly in Aziraphale's direction. He caught Aziraphale's arm and pulled. The angel allowed himself to be yanked onto the bed next to Crowley. Almost overwhelmed by a sudden need to comfort him, Aziraphale wiggled under the covers. He wrapped his arms around his friend and whispered nonsense to him until his legs stopped moving. Crowley's face relaxed, and soon he had snaked his own arms around Aziraphale's waist. He nuzzled his head into the space between Aziraphale's jaw and shoulder, and Aziraphale reached one hand up to thread his fingers through the other's hair.

"Angel?" Crowley asked, his voice muffled against Aziraphale's skin.

"Yes, my dear, it's alright. I'm right here," Aziraphale answered, just as quietly.

"Don't leave," Crowley whispered, a little desperately, and the angel's heart melted.

"I'm here, Crowley. I'm always here."

When Crowley's breathing had once again become steady, Aziraphale sighed and closed his own eyes.

Aziraphale didn't sleep. He wasn't comfortable, closing his eyes and leaving his body vulnerable to a world of evils. Today, however, snuggled in with one of those very evils, Aziraphale slept right through the night, his lunch abandoned on the back room table.

EDIT: Because I confused some people, apparently, I've deleted the second fic from here, but I'll put a link up, if you really want to go read it. It's a House/Wilson fic, so it's not necessarily in the GO fandom, but it's something of a crossover. The reason I didn't say that in the notes is, when I originally posted it, I wanted people to guess who it was House and Wilson were dressed up as. Again, sorry for confusing you all, so just click the link if it sounds interesting.

Title: Devilish Motives
Pairing/Characters: H/W with appearances by Cuddy, Chase, and Cameron. STRONGLY implied A/C.
Rating: PG-13 (R?)
Warnings:  Boy kissing! Something of a crossover with Good Omens.
Summary: House convinces Wilson to dress up for the annual PPTH Halloween Party; Wilson recieves some rather interesting messages.
Word Count: 1777
Disclaimer: Don't own them, unfortunately. I also don't own their Halloween costumes.
A/N: Just to clear this up, costume descriptions branch off the newest cover art; yeah, I know that angels and demons are really meant to have the same sort of wings.

slash, aziraphale/crowley, crossover, fic, crossover:house

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