Apocalyptic Horseperson/The Them Drabbles

Jul 25, 2007 19:22

I intended to write a drabble for each of the Horsepersons and their respective Them counterparts, then realized I was going to seriously risk  botching up if I tried to do the Wensleydale and Famine one and the Adam and Death because a) I had no idea how to properly characterize them; b) I couldn't take a quick look at the book because I didn't own the said book; and c) the nearby library didn't have it and I'd have to have it transferred from another library which would take at least a week and by then I'd have lost whatever inspiration I had for the drabbles.

That said, let me just apologize for the run-on sentence and continue on to the actual fic.

Title: Counterparts
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Pepper and War

War laughed. “Come to play again, little girl?” she said, drawing out the last two words mockingly. Pepper smiled; one part of her bristled at the tone, but another, greater part noted in satisfaction the change from boy to girl and the half-assessing, half-challenging look that flickered ever-so-briefly on the other’s face.

This was War, and Pepper was enough like her to know that she wouldn’t - couldn’t - ask.

Brian and Pollution

Pollution opened his mouth to politely refuse Brian’s offer - he may be an Apocalyptic Horseperson, but nobody ever said Apocalyptic Horsepersons had to have no manners. Then he caught sight of the car: it was rusty and dirty and leaked even more oil than Pollution’s own motorcycle. It looked as if it should have been broken down into scrap metal years ago. Pollution loved it.

Brian misinterpreted the look on his face. “I know it’s not exactly great,” he babbled, “but I didn’t get brilliant grades like Wensleydale and Pepper’s so forceful that it doesn’t matter and Adam’s… well, he’s Adam.”

Pollution glanced at the car and saw the black fumes coming out of the exhaust pipe. “No,” he breathed out, toxic vapors rising into the chilly winter air. “It’s perfect.”

brian/pollution, slash, drabble, fic, horsepersons, pepper, femslash, the them, brian

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