The Ride of the New Horsemen

Jun 19, 2007 18:50

Title: The Ride of the New Horsemen
Author: Lizzie Lyons
Disclaimer:  The characters herein are the properties of Messeurs Gaiman and Pratchett.  I am only using them for my own amusement and that of others.  I am making no money from this.
Pairings: Aziraphale/Crowley, if you squint; tilt your head at a 30 degree angle and are really drunk.
Rating: Um...G?  Can't be more than that.
Warnings: Hasn't been beta-ed, sorry about that.  I lack an efficient one.
Summary: Crowley on the back of a horse?  Oh dear...this can't possibly end well.

The cantering steed gleamed white as snow under the moonlight between the trees of this forest we were currently in. Running from time, from responsibility and from ourselves. I could laugh even now at the irony of the situation. Here I was, a demon, The Serpent of the Garden of Eden, and now enlisted as one of the new Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It was strange. I could not enjoy it, seeing as everything I held dear was going up in a great ball of ash and unlike the last time there would be no misplaced Anti-Christs, no last minute daring do by my associate and no eleven year old boys pulling the fabric of time and space clean away to replace everything and add his own little, barely noticed, touches to the world in which we lived.

My companion came up along side me, his horse frothed with perspiration as its breath came out in mighty puffs frosting in the cool night air. We had been riding all night, trying desperately to find the next one before the seals could be broken.

He rides up along side me, I slow and he places his hands on mine that clasp the rein of my horse as though I were still afraid that I might fall off.

"My dear," he says, concerned. "Are you alright? You look unusually pale."

I turn to look at the other being, uncomfortable without my sunglasses or my Bentley.

"It’s all right, Aziraphale. I’ll be fine." I lie easily and the angel looks relieved that it won’t be anything he’ll have to deal with.

"Well, be careful. You were drifting off the trail pretty badly." He said, slowing his horse considerably. "This, I think, is the most ridiculous thing Above has thought up yet."

"What’s that?" I ask, my own onyx colored mount shifted uneasily under me, I clasped the rein in my hand tighter.

"Having us bring about the end, as it were. I thought it was pretty obvious from the way we reacted the first time that we wanted nothing to do with it." Aziraphale said sourly. He’d been in a sour mood ever since receiving his box, which contained Pollution’s crown. Of course, it did kind of make sense, if you squinted and tilted your head at a thirty degree angle. Still, what were they thinking sending me Famine’s scales.

I shrugged agreeing with what Aziraphale said, "Our punishment. It’s got to be."

Aziraphale snorted as his horse strode further in front of mine. "An ineffable punishment."

I nod. There isn’t much to say to that after all.

"Who do you think they’ll pick out for War?" I ask.

"I’m not sure, really. It might be that girl that was there with the boy." Aziraphale said, looking over his shoulder at me.

"The one with Adam, that took War on?" I questioned to make sure of who he had meant.

"Yes, dear boy." Aziraphale said nodding. "I do think it’s possible."

"So, an angel; a demon; a mortal and Death? Why does it seem like something’s off?" I thought out loud. More to myself than Aziraphale, but he might have a decent idea.

He pursed his lips unnecessarily. "Perhaps," he said at length. "Perhaps, we aren’t an angel; a demon; a mortal and Death. Perhaps that last is someone else."

There was the decent idea I was talking about. "Who would take his place though? There’s no way anyone actually could you know."

Aziraphale merely shrugged at that, but could find nothing to say.

"We’d better hurry up, dear, or we won’t make it to where the next package will be delivered in time."

"I’ll race you!" I said, spurring my horse and it leapt ahead of Aziraphale’s with hardly any effort at all.

I haven't quite gotten the hang of cross posting...I will eventually.  It'll come to me when I least expect it.  Anyway, reviews are welcome, even bad ones. :D

crowley, gen, fic, aziraphale, horsepersons

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