A little Christmas Crossover fic.

Dec 31, 2006 01:57

Hi! I don't know if this has been done or not, but I recently begun rewatching Forever Knight and this story sprang into my head begging to be written, so, here it is.

Title: The Madness of Living Forever
Author: Malicehaughton
Rating: G/PG?
Fandom: Good Omens/Forever Knight Crossover

London was teeming with people nowadays, and at this time it seemed even more so. Christmas was just around the corner and everywhere the silly humans were doing last minute shopping and the stress levels were skyrocketing. Crowley loved this time of year for that.

Aziraphale was beside him, smiling brightly at everything going on around him, ignoring the little wiles he got in, without any smiting. It was the only time of year he could get away with it.

But now half the shops were closing as the sun began to set, and the two of them made their way to where he had parked the Bentley. Crowley was now in that comfortable state that one gets after a good meal and good company and what could make it better but a few glasses of good wine. Oh yes, he truly did love this time of year.

The drive back to the bookshop was one done in silence, the music turned off for once. It was one of those silences though that let you know more of what one was thinking than not. It was comfortable, and warm and light. Well, if a silence could possibly be any of those things it was anyway.

As the car stopped outside the bookshop, and they got out, it took a few minutes to notice something was a little off(1). Well to Crowley’s eyes, it was not right. “Um, Aziraphale…did you leave the lights on?”

“Yes my dear…I knew that we wouldn’t be back before dark and switched them on before leaving. I’m surprised you never knew.”

With a slight shrug, Crowley walked Aziraphale to his door and smiled. “Can I tempt you into opening up a bottle or two?”

A few seconds ticked by, before Aziraphale smiled back and nodded. “But it won’t be the good stuff. That, we will save for Christmas.”

They entered the back room where the kitchen was and Crowley took a seat. A glass materialised in front of him and he filled it with wine. He filled Aziraphale’s while he was at it. He was in a generous mood.

More than likely if the bell hadn’t jingled merrily in the shop, they would have gotten a little tipsy, but as it was the bell did ring, and they had both only gotten past their first sip.

“Er, Aziraphale…why is someone entering your shop at this hour?”

With a frown, Aziraphale shook his head and went out into the shop. A man was there, but there was something off about…oh, a vampire. In his shop that was unheard of.

Looking to the door as he walked in himself, Crowley spotted the closed sign facing the books. Aziraphale had forgotten to close shop. He chuckled slightly. “Forget something, angel?” he said, before turning to the stranger. “And what would a vampire want with bibles?”

“Vampire?” the stranger said, trying to pretend he didn’t know. Well as far as Crowley could tell he was older than any other vampire he had run into and this one seemed more one of Aziraphale’s than one of his. How utterly odd.

“Is there something you are after?” Aziraphale asked, raising an eyebrow in an intimidating way.

With eyes cast down to the floor, the stranger nodded, before looking up. “You are the owner of this shop. I have heard if there is a rare book that needs buying to come here.”

“A rare book to buy? Well you have come to the wrong place then,” Crowley stated, snickering behind Aziraphale, while placing his hands on the angel’s shoulders. “This one should get a prize place in Hell for his greed when it comes to rare books.”

Aziraphale gave an exasperated sigh. “Crowley…please.”

Crowley let go and went to sit on the counter that held the outdated cash register. He smiled slyly at the stranger. “What’s your name, vampire?”

The stranger sighed before answering quietly. “Nick.”

“Well, what is it you were looking for, Nick?” Aziraphale asked, stepping closer to the vampire.

Shuffling from one foot to the other the one called Nick bowed his head so they couldn’t see his face properly. “I was wondering…seeing as how it is your store, if there were any books on a cure to vampirism.”

Crowley stared at Nick, Aziraphale doing the same. He couldn’t help it; he fell of the counter as he bent double in laughter. Oh this was too funny. Aziraphale winced and shook his head.

“Sorry about him. He finds some things oddly amusing. Um, you should know though that there is no cure for…this. Well, if there is, it sure isn’t in my shop, and I know every book in here back to front.”

“He is under exaggerating. He knows every book on this earth back to front,” Crowley replied, picking himself up off the floor and dusting himself off. He took off his glasses and rubbed wearily at his eyes. “Well, maybe we can continue this tomorrow angel? I’m out of here…”

“Demon!” a growled response came from the action and Crowley smiled slightly.

“Been that way since before I first crawled upon this Earth…”

Nick shook his head and backed up slightly. “I was possessed by a demon once. I don’t want to repeat that.”

“Crowley won’t possess you. Will you, dear?” Aziraphale said, glaring at him in that way that said that if he didn’t watch it he was in for a major smiting.

With a smile, Crowley shook his head. “Not my kind of deal. Makes me feel all…yucky inside.”

Aziraphale rolled his eyes. “You were about to leave…”

With a nod of his head, Crowley walked to the shop door and turned the sign around, making sure that this time the shop was closed, before he went out in the cold winter weather and shivered slightly.

Before he left, he turned around and saw Nick and Aziraphale talking to each other. Not really interested in what was going on, he made it to the Bentley and drove himself home, wanting a warming mug of hot chocolate and his bed.

A vampire that was trying to become human again was not something he had ever thought he would see. He shook his head and laughed out loud as he parked his car. “To each his own. No matter how mad they have become,” he mumbled to himself before making his way to his flat.

It was one of the consequences of living forever.

(1) They were otherwise busy engaging in some rather ‘uplifting’ experiences.

My first, and possibly THE first Good Omens/Forever Knight crossover, because right now I am totally in love with both fandoms and they just go so well together. I mean, who better to teach Nick that redemption and forgiveness are possible as a vampire if he just asks for it than an angel of God, and to tell him he isn’t all evil by a demon of Hell.

For those who don’t know Forever Knight, it is what I like to so casually call a vampire cop show. Three seasons were made before it ended unsatisfactorily to us fans. May the fan fiction never stop.

There will be a sequel to this written in Aziraphale’s point of view involving the talk he and Nick have after Crowley leaves in this one. It might explain a bit more about the show than this rough idea.

slash, aziraphale/crowley, crossover, fic

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