Here's how it works. I have Sim pics. I have NO IDEA why they're doing what they do, I just snapped the pic.
neutral_omens characters are within, but the majority are Good Omens. If you want to see the characters in Sim form, in order, they're right
here. Dial-up users, beware.
:O Aziraphale.
Death with his purple cellphone.
This has been nicknamed Pollution's orgasm face.
John Constantine.
Don't piss Pepper off.
That's why, Adam.
Don't make War mad either.
Death with his List.
Crowley and Lucifer and a water balloon. Look over there! Aaaand Belial's laughing in the back.
Who, me?
BEST BLACKMAIL PHOTOS EVER. Hastur and Ligur pillowfighting. With pink and purple pillows.
Hastur and Ligur and some weird ritual where you try and eat his chest. Oooookay.
One could ask why Belial is dancing and rapping naked in the background... but if they told you the answer they'd have to kill you.
John Constantine. "I feel so pretty! Oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and... wait."