6/6/6 Challenge!

Jun 06, 2006 21:28

It's only 9:30 Pacific time, so nya!

Title: The Creation of Adam Young
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Ligur
Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only, not mine
Summary: "Wh-what?” Beelzebub looked panicked. “Surely there muzzt be zomeone more-appropriate-for the deed! Lilith-”
Notes: For the 6/6/6 challenge! Told in 6 drabbles, 111 words each adding up to 666 words (I like to think I'm clever).

The Adversary was brooding. He'd gotten quite good at it over the millennia, he felt. It was a deep, thoughtful sort of broodiness that hinted to his underlings that it would be a bad idea (not that Hell had any other kind) to interrupt him.

Occasionally he would wave a hand and the smoke, caused by the endlessly burning flames of Hell, obediently writhed into shape.

He was designing faces. The room was filled with them; pale and dark, short haired and long, boys and girls. All young faces.

His latest, a curly haired boy grinned at him impishly from the smoke.

Lucifer rather thought he liked this one the best.

"Wh-what?” Beelzebub looked panicked. “Surely there muzzt be zomeone more-appropriate-for the deed! Lilith-”

Lucifer gave the prince of Hell a scathing look. “My son deserves a better mother than that.”

“Yezz, but-”

“I shall carry him.” Beelzebub didn’t look all that reassured and the Adversary rolled his eyes. “Oh, for g- badness sake, I’m not asking thee to fuck me.” The word was all the rage among the younger demons, these days. “I merely require your assistance in creating the form, for I cannot do that and hold the idea at the same time.”

“I zzsee,” said Beelzebub, feeling relieved and yet strangely disappointed at the same time.

Beelzebub knew that it was an honor to have helped create the Antichrist. He did.

It was just hard to remember at times.

The prince of Hell stared at the underduke before him. “What dost thou mean we’re out of Roman Catholic virgin’zz blood!?”

This was one of those times.

The underduke cringed and groveled. “Soon rectified by Lord, soon rectified...”

“The zzooner the better!” Beelzebub-there was no other word for it-shrieked. He could feel what was left of his sanity slipping away.

Beelzebub was a demon capable of handing many things, but a pregnant Adversary with a foul temper and violent cravings was something no one could handle.

Lucifer looked at the sleeping baby with an expression that, on anyone else, would have been called fondness.

“M-m’ Lord?”

He looked up, apparently having forgotten that he’d summoned the other demon. “Ah, Duke Ligur. Here is thy tender burden.” Lucifer’s smile was wide and mocking. “Duke Hastur will meet you above.”

Ligur, struck dumb (dumb as in silent-he couldn’t get any more stupid) by the power the Adversary radiated, nodded. He then took the baby and fled.

“Be careful with him, dear duke. Or thou shall sorely regret it,” Lucifer called after him, knowing the echoes would haunt the demon until the Antichrist was delivered. “Puttock,” he added derisively.

“I would not have had the time to do it in the old days,” Lucifer mused, seemingly to himself. Beelzebub was too glad that the worst was over to question it.

“Oh?” he said.

“There always seemed much that needed to be done.” Lucifer flashed him a wry smile that was almost an-apology?-for the past nine months. “But now I have others to do certain tasks for me. It’s called ‘del-ah-gay-shun,’ did thou knowest? A rather clever little crawler came up with it for me. That is why his part in the Plan is so essential.”

“Ah.” Beelzebub actually smiled. “I had wondered.”

“It’s important to reward good ideas.”

“He betrayed me!” Lucifer wailed.

Beelzebub made soothing noises at the demon in his arms.

“After all I’ve done for him!”

“There, there.”

The odd thing was that part of Beelzebub was actually... enjoying this. Of course, a small part of him considered finishing Lucifer off, but the rest of him wasn’t suicidal. And a large part of him couldn’t stop remembering the words fuck me coming out of Lucifer’s mouth.

The Adversary whispered something.

Beelzebub sighed. “Of course he doezn’t hate you. He only... dizzagreed with you, I think.” That seemed to be the right thing to say. Lucifer relaxed, finally, but didn’t move away.

Maybe there was a chance.


Unbeta'd I'm afraid but I don't think there are any problems.

baby, fic challenges, fic, mpreg, ligur, hastur, adam young, lucifer, other demons

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