(no subject)

Mar 23, 2005 00:30

Hello! More fanfic. This is shorter than last time. I suppose that I should come with a title for this. Any suggestions?
I must credit the marvelous dreya_uberwald for the book titles in this section.

Disclaimer: All of these characters belong to me! MINE MINE MINE! Uh.. I can't get away with that, can I?

This begins immediately after Crowley said: What are the odds that both of our sides would suddenly start to pay attention to the wizarding world at the same time? It’s in turmoil right now, but those folk are generally pretty resistant to religion."

Aziraphale muttered something about demons going beyond the pale in paranoia. “We can still encourage them to do good, and, er...”

“Pro-fornication subliminal messages! Brilliant!” The angel flinched.

“Tell me about how you’re planning for classes,” he said hurriedly. Crowley went through his pockets, and displayed the plans. “So, your idea of preparing for the school year is making a long list of cruel comments to write on the students’ essays?” asked Aziraphale, his voice shaking with anger.

“Oh, come on. I’ve got WEEKS to make up the other stuff. I’m sure that the other teachers are also...” Crowley sighed and ordered more drinks. “I thought that I might focus on creatures and curses. The previous teachers have given them some emphasis, but they haven’t covered any of the interesting stuff.”

“Is there any part of this that isn’t a joke to you?”

“Yes, actually. I heard that they don’t have Sexual Education at Hogwarts, and I seriously believe that children need to be as informed as they can on important things like sexual intercourse and the precautionary measures that can be taken. After all, sexually active teenagers shouldn't be forced into marriage.” Aziraphale choked on his poufy beverage.


It was hard to say what Molly Weasley resembled the most, as she skimmed the required reading list on Ronald’s Hogwarts letter. She looked like a saber tooth tiger, of course, but there was also an undeniable similarity to the bullfrog, as she swelled in anger. “When Succubi Attack? The Full and Unabridged Account of a Werewolf Bloodbath?”

Molly stalked into the dining room of Number 12, Grimmauld Place, and bellowed, “Severus, what on EARTH were you thinking when you chose that man?”

“You know perfectly well what I was thinking,” came the cold response. “Do not question my decision again.”

Hehehe. The Snape tease is too much fun. It's for the plot, I swear!

crossover:lord of the rings, fic, crossover:harry potter, aziraphale, crossover:pirates of the caribbean, crowley, crossover, aziraphale/crowley

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