(no subject)

Feb 09, 2005 05:06

After hoarding snapshots for awhile, I have another Sims!Crowley/Aziraphale post. Actually, it features three of the Four Horsepersons a great deal this time 'round...

In this episode, the attention shifted to the Horsepersons inadvertently. Checking on them brought about interesting events. The day was off to a wholesome start...

Morning programming surely changed over the years. Ah, nothing quite wakes an entity up like a fiery death in the morning, as War and Famine know quite well.

And Pollution wasn't to be forgotten! He created excitement of his own by having it out with a neighbour over the phone and being generally frightening.

After television, Famine was inspired to practise his speaking abilities and revealed just how one-track his mind truly was.

Some time later, Famine decided on a game of chess, and as if on cue, War let Aziraphale in. The lure of the chess board was too much! Resist, angel, resist.

Alas, the chess board's logical evil won, and a symbolic struggle took place.

A certain demon noticed that Aziraphale wasn't home. None too happily, he stalked him. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Crowley was pouting.

He realised, though, he should probably play nice with the residents of the home, and since War and he got along anyway, all right, he would wait before sulking at Aziraphale.

He ended up sitting down with Pollution, who was entertained by his digital babysitter, and Aziraphale walked in to, gasp, see the demon had arrived - although he soon found out he wished he remained oblivious, when the subject turned to cosmetics...

Cosmetics aside, Crowley hauled the angel to the backroom, where he was punished by being made to dance. Or spasm to a beat, if you prefer.

But he soon made a break for it, going for that bookshelf in the corner! Almost, almost...

...Only to be foiled by War intercepting him. BLAST! Flustered, he politely declined. Crowley announced it was time to go anyway.

As he departed, though, a Meaningful Look passed between the angel and Pollution. Hmm.

As the demon and angel went back home, it became apparent that they had company; War showed up and the cleaning man decided to hang out. Perhaps unfortunately for the guests, Crowley had no shame and snogged Aziraphale on the spot.

...And kept doing it, to the point where shuddering and eye-hiding was necessary.

Appearances were deceiving. As the gents relocated to the hot tub, the other two suspiciously relocated, too.

As things heated up and sparks flew (literally), it turned out that War was just a big ol' pervert anyway! All in a day's work, as they say.

Bonus time:

Aziraphale was apparently ready for his close-up. More truthfully, he walked into the frame at a bad time.

It must be demonic custom to lose all table manners when dining at someone else's house.

Here, Crowley demonstrated two things to Famine: toughness and the ability to stick his hand through walls.

I know a few people have asked for the links to the other posts, so here they are:
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four, Part five, Part six, Part seven, Part eight, Part nine, Part ten, Part eleven, Part twelve

sims, slash, pollution, aziraphale, war, crowley, aziraphale/crowley, famine

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